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Search results

  1. S

    Binomial Distribution

    Given that D ~ B(12,0.7), calculate the smallest value of d such that P(D > d) < 0.90.
  2. S

    Statistics Notes?

    I"m currently struggling on doing Paper 6 Math, especially permutation and combination. Anyone have notes on AS statistics?
  3. S

    Pure Math 1 October/November 2009

    Seriously, man, thank you so much!
  4. S

    Pure Math 1 October/November 2009

    Thank you in advance. I really love Math, but I suck at this kind of question.
  5. S


    Ah, thank you. =D
  6. S


    Where is it located?
  7. S

    Pure Math 1 October/November 2009

    Question 5. It features a diagram, and I've uploaded it on PhotoBucket. Am I allowed to post it here?
  8. S


    I'm a high school student from Indonesia. Will be taking AS Math and English as Second Language on May, then Chemistry and Biology on October/November. Looking forward for your guidance!