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  1. G

    Computer studies paper 1 tuesday

  2. G

    Seriously guys, how was bio paper 3(2)?

    Most of it went bad :eek: But hopefully it's not all that bad...:)
  3. G

    Biology paper 3

    The time was too little...I had run out of time and I had around 8 questions remaining...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  4. G

    Biology paper 62 confusion

    I've another question: What was the diagram labeling of the ant's head? (The ant was a Meat Ant, according to the references)
  5. G

    Physics, Chemistry and Biology: Post your doubts here!

    It's like an upside down...measuring cylinder. Or burette. The plant takes up water, the difference in level of the potometer shows the amount of water taken by the plant.
  6. G

    Biology paper 62

    Yes, there are no units for magnification.
  7. G

    Biology paper 62

    :eek: What did I just read?
  8. G

    Biology paper 62

    Thanks :)
  9. G

    Physics paper 12.

    Which would be hotter, the wood that's on fire, or the copper that's taking heat FROM the fire? *If* the wood caught fire, hypothetically, then the copper could only take heat from it, and since heat goes from a hot material to a colder (relatively) one the copper *should* be colder than the...
  10. G

    Biology paper 62

    Try heating alcohol exposed to a naked flame and remember the reason when it catches fire / explodes :D It's flammable, so the alcohol needs to be heated indirectly, in this case, water.
  11. G

    Physics paper 12.

    Well....humans can only detect frequencies of 20Hz to 20KHz. No, you were right. The hottest point was the wood one closest to the flame because wood is a bad conductor of heat. The question said "After 1 minute, which is the hottest and coldest area?" or something. So after one minute the...
  12. G

    Biology paper 62

    Hopefully not..:whistle:
  13. G

    Biology paper 62

    Magnification = Observed size divided by original size So if there was a leaf that was a length of 10 cm wide with my ruler, and the paper said the original width was 5 cm, then it would be magnification = 10 / 5 magnification = 2 x You're welcome :X3:
  14. G

    Biology paper 62

    I'm doing a paper, like Sajal mehta at 9 or 10 am :) The ones with experiments in them :LOL:
  15. G

    BIO ATP 0610 (anyone got a guess paper?)

    I'm *guessing* that there will be a graph, an experiment, reading values from experiments that were "done" and creating a table. Apart from that, there may also be suggesting reasons why something has happened, and the infamous food tests :eek: But then again this is there in almost every paper :p
  16. G


    I was just doing that same paper! Although this was a good question, the answer was easily found...in the marking scheme:whistle: More specifically, this:
  17. G

    Biology Paper 6 Hints and Doubts!

    You know, THAT experiment. The one where you use germinating seeds to test respiration, using levels of colored water, with soda lime and such. Is it?:X3:
  18. G

    English 1st language IGCSE

    I find I'm best at narrative and not so good at descriptive...:p When I'm told to write a conversation I don't really do so well since everything changes from being serious to being outright silly...I hope there will be no dialogues in the paper...:eek: