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  1. X

    MATH 9709 62 (Statistics)

    u cannot bring anythin to the exam room except fro the ones which thtey tell
  2. X

    Plz can anyone discuss Further maths P1 ?

    One of my friends did the exam and he told the paper was ok he also told that the complex number question was hard
  3. X

    now for maths p6 who got clues ideas n probabilities pm me

    Re: now for maths p6 who got clues ideas n probabilities pm i too find permutations hard
  4. X

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    since the paper is hard for many the trshold s are gonna be low I GUESS!!!!
  5. X

    Computer Paper 3

    BNF and Prolog are sure to come as they didnt come in oct / nov 2009 Lexical , Syntax analysis and Code generation PArameter passed by value and rrference THE FETCH EXECUTE CYCLE [KNOW ALL 3 add,lda and jump] wat else Simulations thats all i can tell at the moment but i will tell more tomorrow
  6. X

    Computer Paper 3

    Guyz tomorrow is computer paper 3 ;) How well have u prepared for it :?: Put some questions that u think might come :idea: :idea: Wat are the hard topics in computer. :|
  7. X

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    Wonder under wat motives and intensions cambridge repeated so many MCQs
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    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    Dont remeber that one too well coz it was one of the questions which i did in a hurry.
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    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    here is the answer for the spectrum http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~hakim/ ... ectrum.jpg
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    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    Can u give me a brief remeberance of the question i remember it faintly i too wanna get it confirmed
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    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    Paper was a bit hard wish i had a few extra minutes and definetely the thrsholds should go down i beieve.
  12. X

    final practical details!

    Thanx for the information and good luck to ur exam princess :D
  13. X


    Im not trying be rude here by asking these questions Just curious thats all :oops: Why do you say like that How do you know that What makes you think like that When did you get to know it
  14. X

    To those who princesszahra helped:

    She sure is a Princess
  15. X

    Mechanics 1 (2 questions form october november 2009) (Paper

    Re: Mechanics 1 (2 questions form october november 2009) (Pa Thanx Guyz
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    Mechanics 1 (2 questions form october november 2009) (Paper

    Okay i want to know how to do q6 part 1 is ok i got the answer as 4m/s^2 in part ii i got 0.32m but the answer is 0.448m can some one explain part ii and iii and the other question is the last question here it is A motorcyclist starts from rest at A and travels in a straight line. For the...
  17. X

    Cambridge Computing (paper 3) (Prolog and BNF)

    Okay is there anyone doing computer here if yes, can someone please post questions or give links to questions on prolog and BNF(backus naur form) that are of cambridge style. Thanx in advance
  18. X


    I find A2 vectors hard also integration by substitution hard , by parts is extremely easy I love the iterative formula its like a game. Overall the paper is ok but vectors has a lot marks allocated to it.
  19. X

    any student __who qualify fo aku interview?

    What are u people talikng about "an interview"
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    Yes 28th of may is the real test :) not P1 ;) But i find S1 little harder then M1 :D