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  1. M

    chemistry p5..QS

    Q#3 independent variable is the factor that can be varied during the experiment and dependent variable is the factor that is effected by it.For example: in an enthalpy change reaction,the main thing we are looking for is the temperature and how its effected by whatever changes we make in the...
  2. M

    Biology paper 42

    and the essay??we havent had such a question in any of the papers since last 10 years!!i mean it was always ultrafiltration process or nerve impulse transmission or some kkind of process!i had noo idea what to write for the respiratory substrate part.
  3. M

    Is the mark scheme wrong? AS chemistry. HELP

    u get the same answer.ms isnt wrong.its simple math.its wrong mathematically to write one division below the other,so u multiply the mole and when you do so you have to flip the volume upsidedown..just a math rule. 1.77/(25/1000)=0 1.77=(25/1000) 1.77*1000/25=0 hope tht helped