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Search results

  1. A

    Maths P1-Help Needed!!

    yea, it is not in the Maths syllabus actually
  2. A

    Maths P1-Help Needed!!

    That was brilliant but it is pretty hard to derive the formula for integration, better to remember it with memory.
  3. A

    Statistics 1

    Unless you don't do physics, S1 harder than M1 S2 harder than M1 M2 harder than S1 and S2
  4. A

    Maths P1-Help Needed!!

    I think it is in P3 syllabus, not P1...
  5. A

    Maths P1-Help Needed!!

    Use the standard formula: Integration(sec x) = ln(sec x + tan x) I still don't know how to integrate cosec x though...
  6. A

    June 2011 ??

    I am taking Maths and Physics A Levels again...
  7. A

    Further Mathematics

    Do P3 first and then start the pure FM part, without P3, U have no chance!
  8. A

    further maths

    Studying A Level Further Maths, but I am in AS level right now.
  9. A

    what is so great about CIE??

    Well, I think everyone knows that CIE exams are the hardest, so the unis may sometimes lower their offer or accept you even if you did not quite achieve the required grades.
  10. A

    Grades Of Further Mathematics

    B, but I take consolation from the fact that I did it in 3 months...
  11. A

    xtra subject =)

    Thinking Skills?
  12. A

    The Movie Times. Best or Worst Movies!

    Re: The Movie Times!!! This is England, one of the best movies ever, it shows the true face of english ppl unlike in bollywood movies...
  13. A

    Further Maths in 1 year??? Self-taught???

    getting scared waiting for the June 2010 results right now!
  14. A

    further maths past paper

    Don't bother doing it, it's too hard
  15. A

    Further Maths in 1 year??? Self-taught???

    The Additional Further Maths contains FP4,M4, M5, S4, S5 which CIE Further Maths contains a lot of this stuff too...
  16. A

    The Movie Times. Best or Worst Movies!

    Re: The Movie Times!!! Inglorious Basterds anyone?!
  17. A

    Further Maths 9231/22-Discussion

    Second time and I really want to study maths in uni....
  18. A

    Further Maths 9231/22-Discussion

    lol, I didn't give my best shot, I am sure I can do a hell lot better than that, I just need more time!
  19. A

    Further Maths 9231/22-Discussion

    It was freaking hard, I thought that I would rely on the Stats section given I am shit on mechanics, but how the hell was I supposed to know it would be the hardest stats question we have had for years?! I need to take the exams again now...
  20. A

    'Zohaib Sherazi' promoted to Forum Moderator!

    congrats to him, but how many A levels does he do actually, he seems to know every problem possible!