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  1. Abdullah Shahid


  2. Abdullah Shahid

    I message you

    I message you
  3. Abdullah Shahid

    Hey I need to ask you something about the Paper 3. Do you have an email or something where I can...

    Hey I need to ask you something about the Paper 3. Do you have an email or something where I can contact you?
  4. Abdullah Shahid

    Hey Bro I really need your help. Please can i email you or contact you somewhere else. Its about...

    Hey Bro I really need your help. Please can i email you or contact you somewhere else. Its about ICT paper 3
  5. Abdullah Shahid

    Discuss your Islamiat paper here

    I just asked sir iftikhar he said you summarize the persucutions alittle but its mainly about the Migration to abyssinia. NO BOYCOTT
  6. Abdullah Shahid

    Discuss your Islamiat paper here

    I dunno becuz most people only wrote bout his creations why wud yu right bout messengers
  7. Abdullah Shahid

    Discuss your Islamiat paper here

    Some people are saying that in question number 2 you had to write about Alllahs realation with his created world AND messengers. I only wrote about his creations. What were you suppose to write??
  8. Abdullah Shahid

    tafseer of quran......... need help urgently

    Ur Giving your exam tomorrow and you dont even know that tafsir is not in the syllabus any moree :(