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Search results

  1. Moiz


    But accounts p2 paper was the easiest in the history
  2. Moiz


    Beaconhouse Karachi :)
  3. Moiz


    The answer was 1000000 because debentures will increase cash but at the same time Long term liabilty will increase leaving net effect of Debentures being 0
  4. Moiz


    Hello there people after giving my exams I have come up with the GT of commerce subjects which I appeared for, so here it is: ACCOUNTING: p12: A=24 B=21 p22: A=72 B=63 ECONOMICS: p12: A=24 B=21 p22: A=25 B=22 MATHEMATICS: p12: A=62 B=55 p62: A=38 B=34 So guys what do you say?? Have i...
  5. Moiz


    No i dont remeber it
  6. Moiz


    the amount given was UNDER absorbed so 72000+12000=84000 so answer was D
  7. Moiz


    Wait till 24 hrs after the paper for discussion
  8. Moiz

    CIE grade thresholds

    Also plz post for Accounts and Economics
  9. Moiz

    how was eco p1 guys...???

    What about q1??
  10. Moiz

    how was eco p1 guys...???

    The answer for 29 was C.. As demand will decrease and supply will increase
  11. Moiz


    I will lose around max 5 marks
  12. Moiz

    Stats GT speculations here

  13. Moiz

    Account p2! im sure the mark scheme is wrong here

    yes sijan u are rite... the marking scheme for this questions seems wrong to me
  14. Moiz


    No no i m not expecting 0, i was just giving a simple example to understand properly :)
  15. Moiz

    acc p2

    Just by doing past papers
  16. Moiz


    Did anyone attempted q3? if yes then what did you wrote in part (a)??
  17. Moiz


    I just want to ask about the weightage of CIE papers?? like for AS level economics for p1 its 40% while for p2 its 60%, so does this mean if u get 0% in p2 and full marks in p1, will this make overall percentage=40%??? Plz answer my quarry, Waiting for reply
  18. Moiz


    Yes Sijan it was 3.4% to be exact
  19. Moiz

    Urgent Help...!!!!!!!

    What's the problem with this forum?? why wont anyone reply? :x
  20. Moiz

    Urgent Help...!!!!!!!

    ????? :Search: