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  1. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    P can't be constant dude ! It depends on V and I its like y=mx, y is never constant except for y=0,1,2,3... graphs but this is electricity we are talking about so both V and I gives P, if one of them decreases P also decreases !! Power varies with V and I not the other way around! :D
  2. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    Nope I am from Sri Lanka :P that is why I asked you to write in English :)
  3. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    To elaborate, P=I^2 x R since V=IR, substitute IR for V , from this i can't see any inverse proportion between V and I These graphs show direct proportion for metallic conductors
  4. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    V=IR (resistance is constant so V is directly proportional with I) in P=VI , power is changing depending on either of V or I, as I mentioned before if it is a series circuit then I is a constant and V can change so V is directly proportional to I and I is just a constant (coefficient) it is not...
  5. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    y=kx is for direct proportion where k is a constant so substitute P=VI P is directly proportional to I when V is a constant (parallel circuit :P ) P is directly proportional to V when I is a constant (series circuit)
  6. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    I think this is correct :beer:
  7. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    I'd be obliged if you could speak in English :D I don't understand urdu To answer your question, P is directly proportional to V as well as I probably if one of them is constant :unknown: Correct me if I am wrong! Thanks ! :)
  8. intelnehalem

    Physics ATP

    Do past-papers and I suggest you read Complete Physics :) It is a very good book (IGSCE though but it covers everything in our syllabus including practicals)
  9. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    I am not sure if its direct and inverse proportion here :unknown: Well if they ask us, its probably in the ATP paper :D We can find out by comparing the value of y for x and value of y for 2x to see if it doubles : direct or if it halves-inverse ex: 20C- 40ohm and 40C -80Ohm then it is...
  10. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    For an ohmic conductor (metal which obeys Ohms law) Resistance increases with temperature (positive ions vibrate faster, gives more resistance to electron flow) It is only proportional since there will be some resistance remaining at 0 C :P For thermistors. resistance decreases with...
  11. intelnehalem

    English Paper 2!!

    I don't think that writing in pencil would be accepted since they specifically ask you to write in DARK BLUE OR BLACK INK :( Pencil should only be used for graphs and scale drawings. This is because CIE scans the papers before marking so pencil writing may not be scanned properly. Hope for the...
  12. intelnehalem

    Physics And Chemistry Help Available here

    Resistance remains even though there is no current passing - Resistance is caused by the obstruction to electron flow from the positive ions in a conductor[metal]. even though there is no current passing, positive ions are there in a metal :P So resistance remains! and sorry, I have no idea...
  13. intelnehalem

    Biology & Physics A.T.P... How to prepare?

    oh and If you have any questions , please feel free to ask ! I am sure many people including me will willingly aid you :D
  14. intelnehalem

    Biology & Physics A.T.P... How to prepare?

    Read details about experiments in the text books ! Usually most of the questions come from those practicals plus a bit of theory knowledge :) but hey ! if you can do theory fine, you will do Practicals fine since they are real world applications of theory we learn ;)
  15. intelnehalem

    How to prepare for ATP Bio?

    The thing is I don't have a scanner :( I might be able to take a pic from a camera and upload it here by Friday though, I just need my Dad to bring the camera home :)
  16. intelnehalem

    Is this true?

    Percentile system still stands ;) don't worry !