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  1. intelnehalem


    Actually staying at home is not recommended by our teachers. Tbh, we do much more work at school than we will ever do at home :mrgreen:
  2. intelnehalem

    Is A=A asterisk??

    It may be true, well if Pigs fly xD The grading system will remain the same ;)
  3. intelnehalem


    Many would say that going to school is a waste of time, I however disagree with this :P At school, we revise quite a lot of subject matter under the consultancy of the teachers :) I feel that this is really good . Well, everyone is supposed to have different opinions so I guess any path you take...
  4. intelnehalem

    The XPForum Story

    Ashley was a girl who liked to participate in the forums XD
  5. intelnehalem

    The XPForum Story

    Captain Tony who was actually a pedophile in disguise
  6. intelnehalem

    Scholarship Querry!

    Well, you certainly live up to your forum username xD :D On topic however, i have no idea how Scholarships are given in Pakistan :P
  7. intelnehalem

    The XPForum Story

    It's fairly simple to understand :D I will begin with a phrase and the next person has to continue the story (in any way he/she pleases) 8-) Here it goes: Once upon a time in a place called Metro, there lived a person called
  8. intelnehalem


    hmm Thats new to me :) We never learned such equations at school :( (OL syllabus)
  9. intelnehalem

    O'level Computer Database project

    You have to implement some sort of coding/Macro for your system to gain the marks allocated for that section ex: Splash screen (done by a macro)
  10. intelnehalem


    First I suggest you find the answer for 1)d i() The speed gained by the trolley of weight o.4N in 1.2s is = 1.2 x 0.5 Speed gained= 0.6 m/s Then for 1)d(ii) You have to use the above value to find the distance based on the equation Distance = Speed x Time so Distance = 0.6 m/s x 1.2 s 0.72 m...
  11. intelnehalem

    Relative Atomic Mass

    Well, this maybe obvious for many people but it may very well not be the same for some :P Well, the one standard unit you're referring to is the mass of a Neutron/Proton(same mass) ;) Guess that's obvious too xD
  12. intelnehalem

    Relative Atomic Mass

    ^To add to the above, Carbon-12 has an exact atomic mass unit(amu) of 12
  13. intelnehalem

    Biology ATP

    During the production of Yoghurt, the pH of milk begins to fall once the starter culture of Lactobaccillus is added. This is because Lactobacillus uses the lactose in milk for its functions(it carries out extra cellular digestion on lactose, turns it into glucose) This glucose that is obtained...
  14. intelnehalem

    O'level Computer Database project

    For testing, you have to use Abnormal,Normal and Extreme data. Implement validation checks to catch abnormal data in your forms. Take screenshots of how your system reacts to abnormal (should give an error), normal(no error) and extreme (no error). System flow chart in Design phase is based on...
  15. intelnehalem

    Relative Atomic Mass

    Its like this: Hydrogen has a Ar 12 times less than Carbon Calcium has an Ar 40 time MORE THAN HYDROGEN So the other elements are based on this :)
  16. intelnehalem

    O'level Computer Database project

    Suggestions: How many people have recieved a salary of over 5000 Rs,which employees have worked the highest number of overtime hours It's really hard to give good suggestions and examples how to make them without a proper knowledge of the tables in the database. It would be good if you could...
  17. intelnehalem


    :D All the best to everyone! :)
  18. intelnehalem

    Relative Atomic Mass

    Carbon-12 is known to have an EXACT atomic mass of 12. All the other atomic masses are based on this. ex: Hydrogen(Ar=1) has a Atomic mass 12 times less than Carbon-12 Its not necessary to use in calculations since Ar is given in the periodic table :) Its rather used to explain how Ar for the...
  19. intelnehalem


    Salman, that hurt my feelings dude :( I'm not a Muslim, so you won't pray for me? :( :( I'll pray for everyone giving their papers this session :)
  20. intelnehalem

    Computer Studies preparation

    :o thats new to me.. Thanks dude :)