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  1. S

    chemistry 34 threshold

    brotherz the two reagents were naoh nh4oh and hcl for differnciatinf=g fb7 and fb8
  2. S

    chemistry 34 threshold

    it was so damn easy .. time was da big factor...... didnt managed to find anions.... A vl b around 28-30
  3. S

    physixx mcqs

    oo yeah sorry i just misread the question...
  4. S

    bio mcqs..

    it is A
  5. S

    physixx mcqs

  6. S

    chem mcq...

    well its 1 coz one c has 3h bonds so neglect it,the middle c has on OH ,one methyl(cH3)group, one H and one cooH group... as all groups are different and have sigma bonds so its chiral... no other carbon in this compound setisfies this condition
  7. S

    chem mcq...

    all the bonds must b single covalent bond
  8. S

    physixx mcqs

    enery provided by motor is used in making mases move... energy provided =energy used in producing v
  9. S

    chem mcq...

    kc=[conc of product 1][conc of product 2]/[conc of reactant1][conc of reactant 2] kp=parial pressure of products by reactants.... if thea are two moles or more of any product or reactant make its conc power
  10. S

    physixx mcqs

    well its simple tenergy possesed in this case is due to the motion..... the masses experiences velocity v due to difference btw the magnitude of both mases enery posessed due to motion is 1/2 mv^2 m=(m1-m2)
  11. S


    clg lab assistant.... sodium thiosulphate rate of rxn
  12. S


    ions vl b sulphate,cholride silver and lead
  13. S

    physixx mcqs

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    chem mcq...

  15. S

    chem mcq...

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    chem mcq...

    C coz activation energy is reduced...
  17. S

    chemistry paper 34 preparations...

    any imp points to remeber 4 praktikak???
  18. S

    chemistry paper 34 preparations...

    so gyuz hw to prepare for chemistry paper4??? i mean any link etc..
  19. S


    titration salt analysis and rate of rxn
  20. S

    GT for physics paper 2 2011 MJ
