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Search results

  1. H

    a level statistics video link

    http://www.examsolutions.co.uk/maths-re ... Statistics hope u guys find it helpful
  2. H

    beautiful physics !!!

  3. H

    RUBISCO activity

    "er says that it is wrong to say that there will be comppletely no fixation of co2 at lower conc . of co2 bt i learnt that at lower conc....rubisco's carboxylase activity finishes and instead oxygenase activity occurs so CO2 must not be fixed then......cn any one clear this contradiction with ER
  4. H

    stoma CONFUSIONS

    "In most angiosperm species, the cell walls of guard cells are uneven in thickness, and the cellulose microfibrils are oriented in a direction that causes the guard cells to bow outward when turgid (Figure 36.17a). This bowing outward increases the size of the pore between the guard cells. When...
  5. H

    bio photosynthesis question

    iv) wats its anser
  6. H

    IS there a global CONSPIRACY AT work?..

    wat are ur views guyx..... i ll comment later
  7. H

    E=mc^2 put to QUESTION !!!

    Sa-O0OQfCN0 there is a very gr8 chance of it being a measurement error cos in past such errors have occured in fermilab bak in 2007 bt if not......then we are up for the dawn of 21st century PHYSICS
  8. H

    physixs ideal gas question

    wat anser u get for ii....i m getting 746 bt markschemes says 741
  9. H

    physics question

    http://xtremepapers.com/CIE/Internation ... 3_qp_4.pdf q1 part b....i have learntt that centripetal force is not a force on its own bt rather a resultant force whic keeps object in circular path......so Fg can be providing it or Tension.....anything and its magnitude wud be equal to these...
  10. H

    CHemguide's Calculation book availibility???

    is this book available in pak
  11. H

    modular functions help

    in cases like this where u hav a combination of two moduli......how shud i solve the equation....apart from drawing graph
  12. H

    PHOTOSYSTEM 1 doubt ....

    we know that photon excites an electron of the P700 pair of chlorophyll a molecules .....is that the same electron coming from the ETC .....or is it a totally different electron present on chlorophyll a molecule?
  13. H

    phyisx question help....

  14. H

    ATP as universal energy currency.....

    in markscheme of this question.....there is a point "couples catabolic and anabolic processes".....cn anyone explain what this means.....is he refering to reacions as shown in attached picture
  15. H

    How ATP Performs Work?

    i want to know how the energy released from ATP HYDROLYSIS is harnessed by ccell.....i don't want to listen geenral terms....that it ll be used for growth, repair etc.....bt i want the answer to how,i.e the mechanism behind all this ????
  16. H

    A2 respiration notes and topical questions????

    any one gt these.....
  17. H

    facebook group for studying entry test !!!

    http://www.facebook.com/groups/ecatprep ... ssionhelp/ http://www.facebook.com/groups/116086718478413/ http://www.facebook.com/groups/MCAT.Forum/
  18. H

    Wat to dp b4 MS NUCLEAR engineering

    PIEAS offers MS and PhD nuclear eng. bt wat to do b4 it....obviously u cnt go abroad for such a course or else u ll get.....////so kya mechanical eng k bad MS nuclear krte hain???ya phir kya scene hay cos BS nuclear nt in....pak....and only in few cuntries like US BRITAIN,israel,france etc.
  19. H

    Eid MuBaRaK

    eId MUbARAk to AlL MUSLim BrOTHERS aND sISters....!!!
  20. H

    facebook group for studying entry test !!!

    http://www.facebook.com/groups/ecatprep ... ssionhelp/