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Search results

  1. mustafa4000

    Usman Hameed Pakistan Studies Notes

    History Section 1
  2. mustafa4000

    Sir Muzzamil Mehmood Islamiyat best notes!

    Here are Sir Muzzamil's notes of Islamiyat. He is simply the best teacher in Lahore of this subject. He has been teaching Islamiyat for almost 2 decades now. He teaches at BSS,LGS,ROOTS IVY and Lacas. In acadmies, he teaches at Scope academy, Spirit and education guide centre...
  3. mustafa4000

    Past Papers and mark schemes year wise Combined

    Islamiyat O Levels 2058 http://www.mediafire.com/file/f41vqlwr2yy3m1k/Isl+Past+paper+from+2010+to+2017.pdf M/J 10 to O/N17. Contains question papers along with ms,examiner reports and grade threshold. Recommended for practice for CAIES Pak Studies P1 from J08 TO 0N/17...
  4. mustafa4000

    Order 67

    To gain victory in the form of A*s, one must sacrifice
  5. mustafa4000

    Just a few weeks left for Islamiyat and Pakistan Studies. What to do?

    What happens in an exam Tick tock, mind block, pen stop, full shock, jaw drop, time up, no luck As yall know that Caies are approaching faster than your preparation, you must be wondering, what to do for your first 'real exam'. BTW dates for CAIEs Islamiyat P1:30 April 2018 Islamiyat P2: 4...
  6. mustafa4000

    Urdu A Tips and Resources(O Levels)

    Assamlukum everyone I have created this thread so that anyone can post tips and notes of Urdu A Here are notes of Sir Muneeb Hussian
  7. mustafa4000

    Key to A*s

    The key to achieving A*s is simple. Practice,practice and practice. Whether in O Levels or in A Levels. If you are a weak student and are not getting good marks, no matter. Make a promise from now that you will work hard without any excuses. A good student never gives up and always does his work...
  8. mustafa4000

    CIE timetables May June 2018 series

    The timetables of Cambridge exams in summer series in Pakistan Administrative zone 4
  9. mustafa4000

    Pakistan studies and Islamiyat

    The date sheet of CIES of X Cambridge Muzzamil Mehmood Islamiyat best notes http://www.mediafire.com/file/b7lampt2koaw9g8/Islamiyat_notes_by_Sir_Muzzamil_Mehmood.rar Tips for islamiyat of 10 mark question Learn passage via reading or writing Practice the time limit(16-18minutes) Mark your...
  10. mustafa4000

    Best Academy to join in 2018(Lahore)

    Scope Academy Faisal Town and Johar Town https://www.facebook.com/scope.academyfaisaltown/ Spirit Academy Gulberg iii https://www.facebook.com/SaathForSuccess/ Education Guide Centre Dha Phase V https://www.facebook.com/egclahore/ btw muzzamil mehmood and usman hameed both teach at these...