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  1. Determinant86

    Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

    Hi, this place is mostly inactive. If you need help, you can join this group.. https://m.facebook.com/groups/189923068483455
  2. Determinant86

    SAT Help.

    So this is currently the summer after O'Levels for me. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the date for SAT I, what is tested and any good guides?
  3. Determinant86

    Critical Thinking (9694) A-Levels

    Many foreign universities specifically mention that this and General Paper are not accredited subjects. So not useful if you're planning to go abroad.
  4. Determinant86

    Biology; Chemistry; Physics: Post your doubts here!

    I would think so because it indicates that a reaction took place, hence the formation of the white cloud.
  5. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    When preparing section three, focus not on the rise to power of governors but on the reforms they implemented.
  6. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    So I heard two out of a four is a max for Q2-5 part b?
  7. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    You don't have a choice. There's always a chance that two of the three questions come from the first Islamic community.
  8. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    https://gceguide.com/files/example-candidate-responses/cambridge-olevels/2059_PakistanStudies_ECR_v1.1.pdf Is this what you meant?
  9. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    MM's notes are your friend. I used to get overwhelmed when I had to study from the book as well.
  10. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    That is just...wow. Very thorough preparation.
  11. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    I feel like too much focus I've given to Islamiat. From which notes are you guys doing History?
  12. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    Isn't that practically everything? Lol. I guess as an up and coming teacher he can claim 'his guess was right'.
  13. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    I read part of an answer and noticed some mistakes. Firstly, it's very important to make sure the central point of your answer is addressing the question. You're to focus on the events that occured during the migration. The answer should end at the Prophet's purchase of the land where His camel...
  14. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    I usually attempt that question last because it carries the least number of marks. Usually a few lines will suffice for each part. Just follow a general pattern addressing the theme and giving a present day example in part (b). Example for the Hadith about a Muslim being affected when someone...
  15. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    It isn't about the quantity, it's about who you studied. The most important ones for P1 would be: Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali. Hazrat Ayesha, Hafsa, UmmeSalma, Sawda and Khadija. Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Bilal, Hamza, Abu Talib and the scribes.
  16. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    So I went into the mocks with only the caliphates of Hazrat Usman and Ali prepared, because all that needed to be remembered was the allegations produced against the former/why the Islamic Empire became divided and the civil wars during the latter's governorship. Recently I've also covered the...
  17. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat expected topics M/J 18

    Any word on Islamiat P2 guesses?
  18. Determinant86

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    I've studied from Muzammil's notes and they haven't let me down thus far.
  19. Determinant86

    Usman Hameed Pakistan Studies Notes

    Can you upload the notes for the rest of the Geography chapters?