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  1. pink_princess

    IGCSE Notes - CS, Chemistry, Biology and Physics

    I may not be able to update this for this year's may june session I'm so sorry!
  2. pink_princess

    IGCSE Notes - CS, Chemistry, Biology and Physics

    Change of plans, physics: Thermal physics next, chemistry: rest of the incomplete notes, trends in periodic table, then biology. Tell me which topics you want or I'll choose.
  3. pink_princess

    IGCSE Notes - CS, Chemistry, Biology and Physics

    I got two votes, one each for physics and biology, since I have a physics test soon I'll do the physics notes first then the bio ones, okay?
  4. pink_princess

    IGCSE Notes - CS, Chemistry, Biology and Physics

    Assalaam alaikum! I'm starting this thread to post my notes for the IGCSE subjects Computer SCience, Chemistry, Biology, Physics. You can tell me which subject you need most help with using the poll and I'll give most priority to that. Insha Allah I'll post here regularly! Hope I can help some...
  5. pink_princess

    CAIE Resource Guide - 1234_S18_QP_12!?

    Hi, so is there any difference between the winter papers and summer paper? We normally do the winter papers in our country but due to covid we are going to do summer papers. Is one of them more difficult or do the papers focus on different areas?
  6. pink_princess

    igcse study guide biology dave hayward .pdf

    Sorry, I don't. But have you checked this website: free-ebooks.net From what I remember, I could find some useful books here. Not sure if it has textbooks tho.
  7. pink_princess

    Hi! I'm new here!

    Hello! I will not reveal my real name but you can call me JiaJia. I'm doing my IGCSEs and I'm from Maldives. I'm doing chem, bio, maths, physics, computer science and english as a second language. Anyway, I'm really excited, I hope I can get really good grades next year. (I'll be sitting my...