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  1. B

    14 mark questions in pst history

    It's different for me tho :/ Like, if I give some background, in say two to three lines, my teacher will scold me because the question does not ask you about the background. I should mention that I'm talking about 7 marks only. For 14 marks, you have to write background/introductory paragraph.
  2. B

    I need help to decide how to prepare for bio atp

    I have the same workbook. The way that I do it is that I read the question and then its answer from the marking scheme that's been provided in the book. (I only read, never solve). In case I don't understand, I'll refer to the book or my notes. Maybe ask friends or teacher if need be. Also...
  3. B

    Islamiyat References

    Hey! I can't find any reference to add in Hazrat Umar (R.A)'s administration question. Is it okay if I don't add any? Or does someone have a reference to include?