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Search results

  1. DP_2004

    Economics, Accounting & Business: Post your doubts here!

    hi, If anyone has accounting , economics and information technology coursebook for cambridge a levels , please assisst with sending it to my email [email protected]
  2. DP_2004

    AS Accounting Prep

    I even need economics coursebook if anyone has it plz assist
  3. DP_2004

    AS Accounting Prep

    do you have the textbook/coursebook in pdf
  4. DP_2004

    Textbooks Needed

    Do you have the full book without watermark
  5. DP_2004

    Textbook Recommendation for caie a levels

    I would like for recommendations for which textbooks to use for a levels Pure Math 1, Pure Math 3, Statistics 1, Statistics 2, Accounting, Economics, Information Technology, Kindly give me a copy of the books if you have You can also mail it at [email protected]
  6. DP_2004


    Hi, I am a Independent student . I am studying Maths, Accounting, Economics and Information Technology. I am seeking for pdfs of coursebooks latest edition. I would be grateful for any help received
  7. DP_2004

    Textbooks Needed

    Cambridge International Advanced Level 1. Accounting course book ISBN - 9781108902922 (Third Edition) 2. Economics Course Book ISBN- 9781108903417 (Fourth Edition) 3. Information Technology Course Book ISBN- 9781108782470