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  1. I

    Business Studies Paper 22 discussion

    definitly easier than previous years, however WE NEED FOR FRIGGEN TIME! I had to rush towards the end. 1 hours and 45 minutes is too little! 2 hours and 15 minutes would be perfect!
  2. I

    geography paper 4

    it was easy! :D and nothing to do with coasts haha
  3. I


    One tip. READ THE INSERT :)
  4. I

    Topics likely to come up on coordinated science paper 3?

    WHat topics are likely to come up for paper 3? There's always 3 from each. 3 questions for biology, chemistry, and physics
  5. I


    It was easy if you revised for it. I did question 1,4 and 6.
  6. I

    Travel and Tourism

    I did mine today. And found it ok. Wasn't easy, wasn't hard. There were a couple of questions i didn't fully understand though. But i tried answering them. Hopefully getting some marks for it. I'm just worried about paper 2 :P
  7. I

    Topics likely to come up on Co-ordinated Science Paper 3?

    What are the topics likely to come up on paper 3?