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  1. A

    A-Level admission

    Hi! I wanted to ask that whats the best reasonable college for doing A-levels between Whales, Cordoba, Bahria etc. Please suggest me a school which is relatively easy on the pocket and has low admission and monthly fees. Also should I take early admission and when do they start?
  2. rammy97

    SAT enough for AKU?

    To everyone who has given the test and the people appearing this year, is just going through the SAT 1 and 2 books enough to ace the test? AKU has no defined syllabus so I'm pretty confused. Is there any need to study Sindh board or federal books for the AKU test? There is less than a month left...
  3. Ch.Walid

    Universities in Pakistan

    Hi, there everybody. I would like to know that which universities in Pakistan Accept SAT Subject test?