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❤HaPpY BiRtHDaY To YoU :D❤

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Smile Smile Smile E.H Jane :D This thread right here is just for you ^-^ and the whole xpc party at E.H Jane's wall :D Go ahead and fill her wall with cakes :O :D

*Ahem* Here-hee-here-hee,
Today is 25-o7-2013, our wonderful sister's birthday ^-^ E.H Jane I was going to post a happy birthday message on your wall but a thread is much better :) Don't you agree? :)

First of all I want this to be really special because your like one of the awesomest friends I ever had and I cant be here to party with you on your wall so I am just going to leave my wishes for you here :) I am really sorry I cant troll you on your birthday and I wish I could be here later to throw cake on your face (after iftaar) :p Anyways, happy birthday :D and no matter how old you get you will always be 5 years old to me :) xD

Alot of things have changed throughout the years... But there is something that will always stay the same ... its the special bond that we share that keeps us close no matter where we are! :D Ive always wished for a special friend who would be close to my heart and it came true when I met you! ^____^ I hope that all your dreams and wishes will finally come true :) A birthday is knowing that you are special today (and everyday as well :p ) and waiting to see what the hours brings your way ^______^:') Hope you have fun today :D :)

Happy birthday Jane :D :D hope I am the last one to wish you because we should always save the best for last ^____^ Happy birthday! :D

This is for you because I know you love chocolate :D : http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3idbwnxZu1r5sp3io1_500.jpg
Our lazy society forgot to set up the balloons in front of your house, they did it when you were sleeping -____- so I took I picture of it instead O:) : http://quotepaty.com/large/birthday_quotes_254.jpg

And this is your other surprise ;) : http://images.pinkcakebox.com/cake543.jpg

And this is not over ;) I know that I should sing for your birthday but I have been coughing a lot :( So I hired some people to sing for you :)

Now I must flee :p happy birthday and im sorry for making your alert box cry :)
Btw cant get rid or the pink guys :D Sowwie ^-^
Happy Birthday Danny007
Bealted wishes to Gémeaux and Zhamed :D

Once again, Happy Birthday :D
❤ The vampire of shattered dreams ❤
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