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A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/03

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I find many people are surprised because I'm not a believer of any religion. :shock: Maybe more people have the same questions :why you are not a believer? Whether you are an atheist or not? Are Chinese people atheists?

To begin with , I have to say, all the following words and views are personal, and they just show my opinions in these questions. Maybe some other Chinese will give another answer which can be right and more profound. In all, please remember I just show my opinions, and it does not represent all the Chinese people's ideas. :Bravo:

I belong to no religion, so as my parents ,my aunts or uncles or any of my relatives, and almost all of my classmates and friends.
I know it is unbelievable for many Muslims, however, it is the truth. :shock:

It doesn't mean I am an atheist nor my relatives. In fact, we are not sure whether there are gods or not, and most of we believe there maybe some gods subjectively. That's why there are many people going to the temples and churches even though they may not believers.

The philosophical system our schools taught us are all atheistic (the world is material and concrete ,and the spirit built on the materials is abstract) , but there are still worship for ancestors or gods and traditions taught by our grandparents or parents. In these conditions , we don't become a believer while we still keep the habits to respect any gods or ancestors. What's more, we Chinese attach more importance to our family (not the small family with parents and children, but a big family with all the people have blood relationship, including the past ancestors ) than to the gods. In my world, family is the most important thing in the world, even gods can not replace it.

I have to say I don't want to be a believer of any religion, because my living environment, my education and my parents or relatives haven't taught me to join in any religion group. Besides, I enjoy the life without bowing to gods 5 times a day~ Please do not persuade me to be a Muslim~ :no: (no offense, I just like my lifestyle, and do not want to change it. :D )

Some Chinese people become believers because of the sudden accidents as divorce, fails in career or study, or suffering from diseases :cry: , etc. Some may join in the religion groups because they want to pursue peace and quiet. Some find the world full of devil and filth should be saved so they scarified their lives to gods.

In my view, in China those people who join in the religion are respectful, but most people do not want to be one of them. Although the world is imperfect, although we suffering a lot as we living, we enjoy more from it. We don't need to seek happiness from gods, because we can find it in daily life and in family. When I am sad or suffering, I never think about going to the temple to become a nun. Instead, I will find consolation from my family,friends or teachers. :cry:

However, it doesn't mean I don't respect any god or goddess or your Lord Allah.Yes, I respect the god (if there is in the world) an the nature all the time, but I just don't do as a loyal believer. There are many temples and churches in China, but they are just symbols for most Chinese to show respect, but not obligation . Most times we go into temples or churches to tell gods our wishes, and we hope that they help us realize our wishes. At the same time, we will always remember these are wishes ,not the facts.

I have written too much, and this question maybe a very difficult one. There can be too much reasons to explain why I or most Chinese are not believers of any religion.

In the end , wish you a good night! :friends: BYE~
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Well said. Let me tell you why i believe in Allah and am a Muslim. It's not because i have faith or because i want to believe in him , it's more then that. You see, recently i started to question myself that why i believe in One Allah! And miraculously the answer came this past Wednesday!

I learned that a European scholar had spent 25 years of his life , studying every religion , he had committed himself to learning all the teachings of All the religions. So after 25 years he made his conclusion. He said that in all his research he had found that there were only 2 problems that existed between mankind. If these problems are solved than there the so called ''World Peace'' could be achieved.

These problems are Hatred and Poverty. He said that there is no temple , church or any other organization that has existed from the start of time until today that has provided a solution for these two hazards.

Then he confessed that he studied Islam and his eyes opened. He said that the Holy Prophet(PBUH) who claimed to be the messenger of One Allah , and invited people to worship that Allah , had created a society , a system so perfectly bound by brotherhood and discipline that both these problems were solved. Muslims set aside , differences of race , standard and beauty and treat each other as brothers. And distributed their money among the poor so no Muslim was deprived off the blessings of Allah.

This is why i believe in Allah , this is why i want his forgiveness for all my sins. This is the reason that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Because it is the truth. You shouldn't be forced to accept Islam. It is your own decision. I can recount a thousands incidents like this but the point is that Allah does exist.

In the end , it's up to you. Whether you believe or not .
''It's not the religion that defines it's people , it's the people that define their religion.''
^ This quote is original ,i just thought of it. So remember that :D

PEACE alisongian , and take care! 8)


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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

well said multixamza01!

And then there's one more thing, you cannot judge a car by it's driver..for instance if a BMW is driven by a ruthless driver, you can't say that the car is bad! It's the driver's fault, not the cars! Similarly, today what image the media is portraying about Islam is completely the oppposite! If you study it, just to see, I am not forcing you that you must accept it, but just you read, you'll find out that how true it is! Remember, this is a religion from Allah for all mankind, and there's no compulsion in religion. Instead he has made all things, the day and the night, the sun and the moon, the stars and everything we see around, so that we may ponder over it!

To be honest, logically there can be only one power behind this whole universe who's controlling everything and that's Allah. Many things will unreveal, when you read the Quran. It's the word of Allah, and even though if you don't believe that, you'll find it yourself that how true it is, when you go on reading it. Again, let me make clear I'm not forcing you to accept Islam blindly, but I'm giving you a sincere piece of advice, do read the English translation of the Quran, or even Chinese translation if you are more familiar with!

With love and prayers,
Math_angel. :)


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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

And yeah one more thing, trust me, you'll find the solution to every single problem of yours in the Quran..and this Book which was revealed by Allah around 1400 years ago, is for all times, and truly when we read it today, it looks as if it refers exactly to our problems, etc.!
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Well said math angel and multixamza01......... just to add............Islam is a complete code of life..


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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

See when there's a machine, who better than it's manufacturer or in simple words maker of that machine will know about the specifications, problems and how to use it? There's always a manual or user's instructions with the machine, right? And if we don't use the machine as instructed we'll surely destroy it! Or do you think, you can say you know better than the manufacturer? It's obvious, that to make an effiecient use of the machine you got to follow the instructions!

Similarly, Quran is the Book given by our Lord, our One and Only Creator - Allah. Allah has made us, and ofcourse He knows best. He has given us the Book - the Quran, which contains the complete guidellines as in how to deal with different situations in our life, whether it be in business, trade, family matters, religous matters and much more! And ofcourse then we may say we're lucky that we have got a complete detailed guideline by our creator..cool...isn't it 8) , which ofcourse isn't the case in the user's manual we get with the machines! :)
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Math_angel said:
See when there's a machine, who better than it's manufacturer or in simple words maker of that machine will know about the specifications, problems and how to use it? There's always a manual or user's instructions with the machine, right? And if we don't use the machine as instructed we'll surely destroy it! Or do you think, you can say you know better than the manufacturer? It's obvious, that to make an effiecient use of the machine you got to follow the instructions!

Similarly, Quran is the Book given by our Lord, our One and Only Creator - Allah. Allah has made us, and ofcourse He knows best. He has given us the Book - the Quran, which contains the complete guidellines as in how to deal with different situations in our life, whether it be in business, trade, family matters, religous matters and much more! And ofcourse then we may say we're lucky that we have got a complete detailed guideline by our creator..cool...isn't it 8) , which ofcourse isn't the case in the user's manual we get with the machines! :)
hMMMMMMMMMMM NICE EXAMPLE Maths angel. U are absolutely right :good: :)


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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Assalam-o-Alaikum Alisonqian.
As a Muslim I'm proud of my religion and every aspect of it. Islam to me is perfect. You're simply saying that you don't want to believe in anything because you haven't even bothered to try and read the Quran, or to ask what the faith is about.
I am proud of the fact that there is someone I can rely on in hard times and good times. Everything good I do is for the sake of Allah.
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

It is easy to follow the system you were born in and live with. Change is always unwelcome at first because we are all obstinate to an extent. Of course you like your lifestyle and of course, you have every right to stick to it. However, only by carefully examining the lifestyles and religions of others, can you come to a conclusive, thoughtful, satisfying way of life and seek the truth. :)
May peace be upon you and us! =)
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

I don't think there's anything left for me to say ! I'm just so spell bound at how beautifully multixamza01, Nibz and Math_angel gave a perfect perfect response. All i'd want to say is that do ponder over your life for once, just for once, and bother to think if your mind and heart are at peace! Being happy doesn't always mean that everything's set right and who doesn't want to be more happier than they are now. It might be actually "weird" for you to think about Muslims, their way and their lifestyle and though you don't want to accept Islam, there's seriously no harm in getting to know about what it actually is! I have actually met a person in my life who's a christian and he knows more about Islam than i can claim to, But than he's still a christian ! So its totally upto you, Its your life, Lead it and live it the way you want. However, I'll always pray that you're guided to the right path if you are really in search of truth ! Ameen ! :)
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

great explanation nibz,ghalya,mathangel,multixamza01............. jus like said above........one can still read about and discover new things about others.....man keeps on learning new things...........obviously these things in islam would be new to you but one can still discover it .......... other things which i wanted to mentioned are explained well by above posts of other members :)


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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Hi alisonqian! :)

How are you, don't seem to see you around! How's everything? :)
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Silent Hunter said:
great explanation nibz,ghalya,mathangel,multixamza01............. just like said above........one can still read about and discover new things about others.....man keeps on learning new things...........obviously these things in islam would be new to you but one can still discover it .......... other things which i wanted to mentioned are explained well by above posts of other members :)
Hmmm interesting very much interesting. one more thing i would like to add is that.................we people are not forcing u to come to our religion..................we are just tryna explain u about Islam..............because one thing our prophet had told us is not to force anyone to come to our religion as forcing is something against Allah..............And as a matter of fact I would say that every religion believes in Allah.................but in a different way of course..............like Christians they say Allah as father of Jesus......(which He isn't, cz He(Allah) said this himself that if he has no wife then how can he have a child.....I guess its written in surah Anaam)......and hindus they say Allah as eeeshwar or something like bhagwaan.................
Anyways in fact islam was the first religion which entered this earth...........and after that Christianity and Hinduism came.............though i would say that these are parts of islam................but people have taken it in a wrong way................thinking that Jesus (Isa) is their God................I am not disrespecting anyone's religion because that's a sin as our beloved prophet said so...................I do agree that Jesus had great powers.........which were supernatural...........and that was what made him a God by people........but as a matter of fact he was just a Prophet............just like the last prophet..........and others..............every prophet had powers which were bestowed by Allah.............but that doesn't mean that they are GODs??? NO MAN................they are just humans just like us..................................but much much better than us.Thats what makes us different from us.......In this world lots and lots of people have misunderstood these prophets. :)
And also it is said that Yusuf or (joseph)..........who was also the prophet..........was the most handsome man ever born in this earth..........He had natural looks..........which were quite attractive........... :)
Actually what i am tryna say is that every prophet had something special in him. :) :) :)
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

Assalamuliakum to everyone
The thing which attracts me towards Islam is the Holy Quran. When one reads it with translation he/she feels so good, I mean there are so many things in it that our mind cannot grasp. If Islam was a religion of terror (Nauzobillah) then why would the Quran say this?

On that account We ordained for the Children of Isra`il that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear (guidance), yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (5:32)

After reading this do u think (Nauzobillah) Islam commands the muslims to kill and destroy other people ??
If clearly state that how Important Human life is for one another. And the one who do this all killing and stuff are non-Muslims.

Quran also says:
Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the throne (of Authority); he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law) each one runs (its course) for a term appointed. He doth regulate all affairs, explaining the Signs in detail, that ye may believe with certainly in the meeting with your Lord. (13:2)

So do u think any one would know about the sun and the moon 1400 years back ?? Just tell me this.
We are not born muslims but we choose Islam as our religion. May Allah guide us all and bless us here and in the hereafter.
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Re: A Chinese Girl's view: About religion in China_ 2011/09/

good job salman..............WELL SAID WELL SAID :good: