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A nice dua to start ur day with..

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O Allah! I ask of You integrity and soundness in my
>religion, my life, my family, and my possessions.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from unbelief and poverty, and from the
>punishment of the grave. There is no Deity except You.
>O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no deity except You. You are my Creator
>and I am your creature. I try to keep my covenant with You and to live in
>the hope of Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from my one
>evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favours to me; and I acknowledge my sins.
>Forgive me my sins, for there is no one who can forgive sins except You.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow. I seek refuge in You
>from impotence and sloth, from stinginess and cowardice, and I seek refuge
>in You from the burden of debt and from being humbled be men.
>O Allah! Make the beginning of this day good, the middle prosperous, and
>the end successful. I ask You to grant me the good of this world and of the
>Hereafter, O Most Merciful of all Who show us mercy!
>O Allah! I ask you to make me pleased with what You decreed for me return
>to good life after death, and I earnestly seek the pleasure of looking at
>Your Glorious Countenance and the craving to meet you, without distress or
>affliction or misguiding trial. I seek refuge in You from oppressing others
>or being oppressed, from doing wrong or suffering wrong, and from
>committing an error or a sin, which you will not forgive.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the feebleness of old age. O Allah!
>Guide me to the best of deeds and the best of morals, as none can guide to
>the best except You, and save me from bad deeds, as none can save me from
>what is bad except You. O Allah! Strengthen my faith, expand my living
>space and bless me in my livelihood.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from negligence, degradation and destitution;
>I seek refuge in You from unbelief, wickedness, vanity and show; and I seek
>refuge in You from blindness, deafness and leprosy and bad diseases.
>O Allah! Give my soul piety and my conscience purity. You are the Master of
>my soul and the Guardian of my conscience.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from a knowledge, which does not benefit,
>from a heart, which does not tremble, from an ego, which is not stated, and
>from a supplication, which is not accepted.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I did and from the evil
>of what I did not do; from the evil of what I know and from the evil of
>what I did not know.
>>O Allah! Strengthen my religion, which is my fortress, make this world a
>better place of sojourn for me, and grant me a good life in the Hereafter
>which will be my abode. Make my life increase in all goodness and my death
>a rest from all evil.
>O Allah! Support me and help me, and do not let others overpower me; guide
>me and make the following of Your Commands easy for me.
>>O Allah! Inspire me with good conduct and save me from the evil of my
>selfishness. O Allah! I ask You to guide me to the doing of good deeds and
>abstaining from bad deeds and love those who are humble, and to forgive me
>and show mercy to me. And if You wish a trail for Your servants, take me to
>You before falling into it.
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>O Allah! I ask You for Your love and the love of those who love You, and
>for the love of every action which will bring me closer to Your love.
>O Allah! I ask You the best of the request for the best in my supplication,
>for the best success and the best reward. Strengthen me, make heavier my
>balance of good, confirm my faith, elevate my rank, accept me worship, and
>forgive my mistakes, and I ask You for good beginnings, good endings, the
>totality of goodness, from the first to the last, from within and from
>without, and I ask of You the highest ranks in the Garden.
>O Allah! O Controller of the Hearts! Keep my heart firm in Your religion;
>keep it contented with Your worship.
>O Allah! Grant us increase and not decrease, honour and not dishonour; give
>us Your favours and do not deprive us; prefer us, let not others be
>preferred to us.
>O Allah! Grant us the best of outcomes in all our affairs, and save us from
>disgrace in this world and from punishment in the Hereafter.
>O>O Allah! I ask You to bestow your mercy on me, to forgive me, to protect me
>from every sin, to give me a share of every good, and to grant me the
>attainment of the Garden and salvation from the Fire.
>O Allah! Leave not for us a sin, which You have not forgiven, nor a
>shortcoming which you have not concealed, nor a wary which You have not
>removed, nor a debt which You have not paid, nor a need from among the
>needs of this world or the Hereafter, the fulfilment of which is beneficial
>for us and pleasing to You, which You have not fulfilled, O Most Merciful
>of all show us Your Mercy!
>O Allah! I ask for a mercy from You by which You will guide my heart,
>settle my affairs, remove my worries, protect me from what is unseen to me,
>make my face radiant, purify my deeds, inspire me with wisdom, avert
>calamities from me, and protect me from every evil.
>O Allah! I ask You for success on the day of Judgement and a life of
>happiness, and the rank of martyrs, the companionship of the prophets, and
>victory over the enemies.
>O Allah! I ask You for correctness of belief; for a faith which leads to
>good conduct; for a success which results in eternal felicity, for mercy,
>health and forgiveness from You, and for your pleasure.
>O Allah! I ask You for health, for integrity, for good character, and that
>I may be pleased with my portion.
>O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of my self, and from the evil
>of every creature which You are grasping by its forelock. O my Lord, keep
>me on the straight path.
>O Allah! Grant me soundness of belief, goodness of character, forgiveness
>of my sins, and Your eternal pleasure in the Hereafter.
>May Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad ( S.A.W) and his family and
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اللَّهُمَّ بعلمك الغيب وقدرتك على الخلق أحيني ما علمت الحياة خيرا لي وتوفني
إذا علمت الوفاة خيرا لي . اللَّهُمَّ وأسألك خشيتك في الغيب والشهادة وأسألك كلمة
الحق في الرضا والغضب وأسألك القصد في الفقر والغنى وأسألك نعيما لا ينفد وأسألك
قرة عين لا تنقطع وأسألك الرضاء بعد القضاء وأسألك برد العيش بعد الموت وأسألك
لذة النظر إلى وجهك والشوق إلى لقائك في غير ضراء مضرة ولا فتنة مضلة
"اللهم إني أسألك خير المسألة، وخير الدعاء، وخير النجاح، وخير العمل، وخير الثواب،
وخير الحياة، وخير الممات، وثبِّتني، وثقِّل موازيني، وحقق إِيماني، وارفع درجاتي،
وتقبَّل صلاتي، واغفر خطيئتي، وأسألك الدرجات العُلى من الجنة، اللهم إني أسألك
فواتح الخير، وخواتمه، وجوامعه، وأوله، وظاهره، وباطنه، والدرجات العلى من الجنة آمين.
اللهم إني أسألك خير ما آتي، وخير ما أفعل وخير ما أعمل، وخير ما بطن، وخير ما ظهر،
والدرجات العلى من الجنة آمين. اللهم إني أسألك أن ترفع ذكري، وتضع وزري، وتصلح
أمري، وتطهر قلبي، وتحصِّن فرجي، وتُنوِّر قلبي، وتغفر لي ذنبي، وأسألك الدرجات العلى
من الجنة آمين. اللهم إني أسألك أن تبارك في نفسي، وفي سمعي، وفي بصري، وفي روحي،
وفي خلقي، وفي خُلُقي، وفي أهلي، وفي محياي، وفي مماتي، وفي عملي، فتقبَّل حسناتي،
وأسألك الدرجات العلى من الجنة آمين".
اللهم اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات
اللهم اني اعوذ بك من الهم والحزن واعوذ بك من العجز والكسل واعوذ بك من
الجبن والبخل واعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال
(اللهم يامن يحول بين المرء وقلبه حل بيني وبين (فلانه او فلان ) "
(اللهم لا تجعل الدنيا اكبر همنا ولا مبلغ علمنا ولا غاية رغبتنا
{رَبَّنَا ءامَنَّا فَاكْتُبْنَا مَعَ الشَّاهِدِينَ}
Haseefa this is not the exact translation......But it also collection of nice duas....i found some....and every time i find new...i shall edit this post.!