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A pencil is not only a pencil

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oops.... see the post again.... the site is so crazy that it reads anything similar to the bb codes.... :D :LOL:
though i know that this is a bit technical :p

anyways, why do you use this peculiar font?? :
Idk I just like this font lol
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Thought I should share this with you guys :

Once upon a time........A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked:
‘Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about me?’
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:
I am writing about you,... actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.’
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn't seem very special.
‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!’
‘That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.’
‘First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.’
‘Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.’
‘Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.’
‘Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.’
Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. in just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action’.

amna saleem shazmina Shah... fantastic girl E.H Jane mune:) Martee100 Al-Anoud ZKhanXZ sweetjinnah Kumkum Mohammed Wagih Rmarie-yum Rahma Abdelrahman maya fiz34 funky brat Safa Malik Aawaan princess sofia Nayya Hassan Noman_Ahmad Peaceful cyclone94 Nabeel.Ahmad zeeshan
Waleed007 Shara Nafaz maya <3 Ammar95 Adeel12346 Ikram Butt robinhoodmustafa StarShower Unique_39 Ebby_SaLeem Xx Usama knowitall10 Suhaib Xpolymer Miraj Master_Shifu funky brat usamakhalid Nazahat Era Ibtizam 1357911 flaminheroes Sharmeen Nisar Jinchuriki Emma13 asma tareen badrobot14 Samah Zahid forbidden rose A star cardude456 champ-student Fayax555 Cookie Monster and @you all. ^_^
good story..!! reality is shown truly..!!1..!! :)