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Advice needed?

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Recently, every morning, there comes a bird (chirya) in my balcony which is attached with my room and starts chirping every morning. This really ruins my sleep and I go to the window to shoo it off. However, it comes again and starts chirping again. It really distracts me and I feel like killing that bird or throwing stuff at it. Does anyone know how can I stop that bird from ruining my sleep early in the morning?
I've tried closing the window and trying to block every air passage from the balcony but that granting sound from the bird still manages to wake me up. This is seriously affecting my sleep, I really need advices.
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Recently, every morning, there comes a bird (chirya) in my balcony which is attached with my room and starts chirping every morning. This really ruins my sleep and I go to the window to shoo it off. However, it comes again and starts chirping again. It really distracts me and I feel like killing that bird or throwing stuff at it. Does anyone know how can I stop that bird from ruining my sleep early in the morning?
I've tried closing the window and trying to block every air passage from the balcony but that granting sound from the bird still manages to wake me up. This is seriously affecting my sleep, I really need advices.

Firstly, Before going to sleep at night always place a bowl of water in the balcony where the sparrow sits :love:
And secondly you can try sleeping with earphones in your ears :D lol
Or hey! You can just try putting something hollow in the balcony. The sparrow would probably make a nest in it :p Maybe the bird would not chirp so loud and let you sleep as a "Thanks" for the nest hehe ;)
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Recently, every morning, there comes a bird (chirya) in my balcony which is attached with my room and starts chirping every morning. This really ruins my sleep and I go to the window to shoo it off. However, it comes again and starts chirping again. It really distracts me and I feel like killing that bird or throwing stuff at it. Does anyone know how can I stop that bird from ruining my sleep early in the morning?
I've tried closing the window and trying to block every air passage from the balcony but that granting sound from the bird still manages to wake me up. This is seriously affecting my sleep, I really need advices.
Infact its gud dat it wakes u up.... early morning studies r gud .. u can prepare fr ur xzams (y) ;) :p

If u really want to sleep den put cotton in ur ears n go to sleep :p
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Set up a trap at your window, like the desi stick and bucket one. Keep the bucket open, by balancing a stick to it. attach some thread to the stick, and keep the end of the thread in your hand. Then put some bread chippings under the bucket. When the bird comes by your window, and goes under the bucket to eat the bread, pull the stick, thereby trapping the bird. Then translocate it somewhere else, like far away
If this doesn't work, get a 'chari-wali pistol' , and shoot it on its feet. Try not to hit it, but rather intimidate it, by shooting continously on its sides or close to its feet
If this does not work, get a cat :D
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Set up a trap at your window, like the desi stick and bucket one. Keep the bucket open, by balancing a stick to it. attach some thread to the stick, and keep the end of the thread in your hand. Then put some bread chippings under the bucket. When the bird comes by your window, and goes under the bucket to eat the bread, pull the stick, thereby trapping the bird. Then translocate it somewhere else, like far away
If this doesn't work, get a 'chari-wali pistol' , and shoot it on its feet. Try not to hit it, but rather intimidate it, by shooting continously on its sides or close to its feet
If this does not work, get a cat :D
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Kill that bird :p
Oh I've been planning to do that for a very long time. But then, my consciousness takes over and I drop that idea.

Firstly, Before going to sleep at night always place a bowl of water in the balcony where the sparrow sits :love:
And secondly you can try sleeping with earphones in your ears :D lol
Or hey! You can just try putting something hollow in the balcony. The sparrow would probably make a nest in it :p Maybe the bird would not chirp so loud and let you sleep as a "Thanks" for the nest hehe ;)
I wonder why he comes in my balcony every morning. I mean, there are around 100's of houses in that street but out of those, he has to come into my balcony and chirp as loudly as he can. :"|
But I'd try that water idea. :D Thanks

Set up a trap at your window, like the desi stick and bucket one. Keep the bucket open, by balancing a stick to it. attach some thread to the stick, and keep the end of the thread in your hand. Then put some bread chippings under the bucket. When the bird comes by your window, and goes under the bucket to eat the bread, pull the stick, thereby trapping the bird. Then translocate it somewhere else, like far away
If this doesn't work, get a 'chari-wali pistol' , and shoot it on its feet. Try not to hit it, but rather intimidate it, by shooting continously on its sides or close to its feet
If this does not work, get a cat :D
Hahaha! Seriously? :p I've 2 cats, a male and female but they won't even kill a fly, let alone intimidate a bird. -.-
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Recently, every morning, there comes a bird (chirya) in my balcony which is attached with my room and starts chirping every morning. This really ruins my sleep and I go to the window to shoo it off. However, it comes again and starts chirping again. It really distracts me and I feel like killing that bird or throwing stuff at it. Does anyone know how can I stop that bird from ruining my sleep early in the morning?
I've tried closing the window and trying to block every air passage from the balcony but that granting sound from the bird still manages to wake me up. This is seriously affecting my sleep, I really need advices.
haha maybe it loves you and is waking you up for Fajr :p
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Oh I've been planning to do that for a very long time. But then, my consciousness takes over and I drop that idea.

I wonder why he comes in my balcony every morning. I mean, there are around 100's of houses in that street but out of those, he has to come into my balcony and chirp as loudly as he can. :"|
But I'd try that water idea. :D Thanks

Hahaha! Seriously? :p I've 2 cats, a male and female but they won't even kill a fly, let alone intimidate a bird. -.-

The Sparrow likes your house from among 100's ov other houses ! :giggle::LOL:
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Recently, every morning, there comes a bird (chirya) in my balcony which is attached with my room and starts chirping every morning. This really ruins my sleep and I go to the window to shoo it off. However, it comes again and starts chirping again. It really distracts me and I feel like killing that bird or throwing stuff at it. Does anyone know how can I stop that bird from ruining my sleep early in the morning?
I've tried closing the window and trying to block every air passage from the balcony but that granting sound from the bird still manages to wake me up. This is seriously affecting my sleep, I really need advices.
1. Get a cat
2. Tie it outside
(To prevent its own meowing better get a dumb cat) :p