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Agriculture preperation questions :D

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Sir Asim prepared these. All agriculture questions from past papers have been compiled. Solve them and ur good to go in agriculture :D. Oh and they are 80 in total so it might take a while xD. I am going to post them 20 at a time. When you need the next 20, tell me :D


1- How has increase in agricultural production been achieved? [8]
2- Explain why 65% of Pakistan is not used for agriculture? [8]
3- Name 3 grain crops and for each state whether it is Rabi or Kharif crop. [4]
4- Select one grain crop from (3) and explain why it is grown in the season you have stated. [2]
5- For each of the grain crops you have mentioned in (3), name two of the main areas of production. [2]
6- What is the difference between subsistence and cash crop farming? [2]
7- How do the human inputs of a cash crop farm differ from those of a subsistence farm? [6]
8- In what ways are the uses of cattle and buffalo similar? [4]
9- For what purposes are buffalo more important to Pakistan than cattle? [2]
10- Why do farmers want to own a pair of bullocks? [3]
11- What inputs, natural or human, allow cotton and sugarcane to be successfully grown in Southern Punjab? [5]
12- For sugarcane, name an area important for growing it. [1]
13- State the inputs that enable it to be grown in the area you have named in (12). [5]
14- Explain why human inputs are very important for its successful cultivation in Pakistan. [5]
15- State three processes necessary for the cultivation of sugarcane. [3]
16- State the form in which it is taken to the sugar mill. [1]
17- Explain why Upper Indus Plain and Northern Sindh have more than 50% of their land under cultivation? [6]
18- Explain why mountainous and desert areas of Pakistan have less than 20% of their land under cultivation? [5]
19- Describe nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoral farming and explain the reasons for it being nomadic. [7]
20- Why is a large supply of water necessary for a buffalo farm. [2]

21- How are buffalo farms in cities like Karachi supplied with food for the buffalo? [2]
22- Explain the importance of buffalo farms to Karachi. [4]
23- Explain why so many people work in agriculture? [4]
24- Why has the % of labour force working in agriculture declined steadily in recent years? [6]
25- How does the farming that depends on natural inundation(flooding) differ from farming that depends on irrigation? [4]
26- Give the characteristics of barani farming and name two crops grown this way. [6]
27- Why rice is a Kharif crop? [2]
28- Why is rice not grown in areas which only practice barani farming? [2]
29- Explain why rice growing is important in North East Punjab and North Lower Indus plain of Sindh. [5]
30- Name main type of rice that is exported and name the country that which was a part of Pakistan(so obvious :p) and now imports rice from Pakistan. [2]
31- Why is an increase in wheat production important? [3]
32- State two natural unputs necessary for wheat production and for each explain its importance. [5]
33- Explain how human inputs have contributed to the increase in wheat production? [6]
34- What did the land reforms aim to do? [1]
35- What are advantages of land consolidation? [3]
36- How can education and training help a small scale subsistence farmer to increase his output? [4]
37- Name a type of animal kept in mountains. [1]
38- Why is the animal taking to a flowing rivers and its surroundings? [2]
39- Explain how a terraced field helps a farmer to grow wheat? [3]
40- Why is an increase in water demand expected for wheat? [3]

Next 20
41- Why a small increase in water demand is expected for cotton? [3]
42- Why is there such a large production of sugarcane from a small area? [2]
43- Name a cash crop other than wheat, rice and sugarcane which is grown in Pakistan. [1]
44- Name areas of high area sugar cane production. [3]
45- Why are these areas suitable for cultivation of sugarcane? [4]
46- What happens to sugarcane from the time it is fully grown to when sugar juice is extracted. [3]
47- Explain why bagasse is an important by-product of a sugarcane industry. [2]
48- State two climatic inputs for rice cultivation. [2]
49- How can the yield per hectare of rice be increased? [6]
50- Name three inputs of farming other than soil. [3]
51- Describe three processes other than ploughing that may be carried out before a crop is harvested. [3]
52- Wheat is subsistence farming? [1] -- try to make 6 points cuz this question is easy and can come of high marks.
53- Name two animals other than cattle that may be kept by a small-scale subsistence farmer. [2]
54- For each of the two animals you have named in [53], explain how it is important to the farmer and his family. [4]
55- Why does the production of a Small Scale Subsistence Farm vary from year to year? [4]
56- If this farmers earns some profit, how he may use the money he earns to improve his yield in the next year? [4]
57- How can a Small Scale Subsistence Farmer supplement his income? [2]
58- Name two main food crops grown in Northern Areas of Pakistan. [2]
59- Why are fruit crops grown in villages? [3]
60- Name one main profit crop grown in Thar. [1]

All those who want answers, plz understand that im really busy these days and cant. just post problems here and they will be solved soon :D
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ways in which cow and buffalo use is similar
--they both provide milk
--they both provide draft power
--they both provide meat
--they both provide hides (for tanning industry)
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u said milk 2 times !!!
waise can we write tht both giv manure to be used as a fertilizr and for othr purposes (bio gas )
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HarisShahzad said:
buffalo provide better meat and better milk :p

well i dont think buffalo meat is better then why dont we slaughter them on eid-ul-azha they give milk hence their meat is quite old and thier bones arent strong.....BUFFALO MEAT IS NOT BETTER i guess correct me if i m wrong
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HarisShahzad said:
its is if the markscheme says it xD. i checked answer from markscheme it said:


well i dont know but seriously cowdung cakes could have been a valid point instead of this meat bcs cowdung cakes provide fire and that fire is then used to to cook food in rural areas where natural gas is not available......correct me if i m wrong
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nut both provide cowdung cakes :/
i thnk tht pakistan and india are the only countries tht hav blck buffaloes and hence teir buffaloes r in high demand !!!
is it correct ....
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InshallahAajaega said:
nut both provide cowdung cakes :/
i thnk tht pakistan and india are the only countries tht hav blck buffaloes and hence teir buffaloes r in high demand !!!
is it correct ....

in high demand for what purpose??
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both can brovide cowdung cakes but they both also provide milk, meat, hides and draft power. is that so difficult. as for why buffalos are more imp, they provide better milk and meat. i aksed sir aim and also checked from markscheme
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cuz they r unique in colour and also their hides r unique !!!
u wont find hides and skins like these anywhere but pakstan and india !!!