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AL BAR'AH-the little girl..read on...

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A little girl named Al`Barah

This story is of a little girl named Bar`ah who is 10 years old, her parents were doctors who moved to Saudi Arabia in search of better life.

At this age, Bar`ah memorized the whole Quran with Tajweed, she was very intelligent, her teacher used to tell her she should be in middle school not primary school.

Her family was small and had embrassed Islam... . suddenly one day her mother started feeling severe abdominal pain, after tests and checkups she found out that she has cancer, but in its late stages.

The mother thought she should tell her daughter,otherwise,her daughter will be too much hurt if she wakes up one day and does not find her mother beside her... so she told her: "Bar`ah I will go to paradise ahead of you, but I want you to read the Quran you memorized every day since it will protect you in this life..."

The little girl didn't really understand what her mother was trying to tell her... but she started feeling the change in her mother's status, especially when she was transferred to stay in hospital on a permanent bases. The little girl used to come to the hospital after her school and recite the Quran for her mother till the evening then her father would take her home.

One day the hospital called the husband and informed him that the his wife's condition was very bad and he needed to come as fast as he could, so the father picked Bar`ah from her school and headed to the hospital, when they arrived he asked Barah to stay in the car... so that she wouldn't get shocked if her mother passes away infront of her.

The father got out of his car, with tears in his eyes and while crossing the road to the hospital, he was hit by a speeding car and died in front of his daughter who came crying to her father...!

The tragedy of Bar`ah was not over yet... the news of her father's death was hidden from the mother, but after 5 days the mother passed away leaving Bar`ah alone in this life. She became very lonely without her parents, and her neighbours decided to find her relatives in Egypt so that they can take care of her.

Suddenly, Bar`ah started having severe pain like her mother, after a few tests and checkups it was confirmed it was cancer...she surprised everyone when she said: "Alhamdu Lillah (Praise to Allah), now I will meet my parents."
All of the family and friends were shocked and surprised, this little girl being faced with calamity after calamity and she is patient and satisfied with what Allah ordained for her!

People started hearing about Bar`ah and her story, and a Saudi decided to take care of her... he sent her to the UK for treatment of her disease.

The days passed by and the cancer spread all over her body, the doctors decided to amputate her legs, and she is patient and satisfied with Allah's ordains... after a few days the CANCER spread to her brain, upon which doctors decided for another urgent brain surgery... she was sent to UK and stayed in COMA for a long time..
The girl has passed away now,,May Allah grant her a position in Jannat-ul-Firdaus..
The girl left a very important message for all of us..the truth of this life is that we are sent here simply to go back and meet Allah one day...and so we should not forget the sole purpose of our very short life on this earth..and do as much as we can to get place in Jannah..Also,,the story tells us that all problems sent upon us are from no one but Allah,,so we should be patient as it is said,,the bigger the problem sent upon you,,the more of our sins are forgiven..Now its upon us to decide whether to stay happy in this life or to stay happy in the eternal one..

If it’s the eternal one that you want, then Thank Allah in even the toughest situations..

Listen to the little girl’s recitation..click the link below.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/J79s1v-gk9Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
MashaAllah may Allah grant her paradise.....

shazmina Unique_39 Nazahat @ amna saleem
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A little girl named Al`Barah

This story is of a little girl named Bar`ah who is 10 years old, her parents were doctors who moved to Saudi Arabia in search of better life.

At this age, Bar`ah memorized the whole Quran with Tajweed, she was very intelligent, her teacher used to tell her she should be in middle school not primary school.

Her family was small and had embrassed Islam... . suddenly one day her mother started feeling severe abdominal pain, after tests and checkups she found out that she has cancer, but in its late stages.

The mother thought she should tell her daughter,otherwise,her daughter will be too much hurt if she wakes up one day and does not find her mother beside her... so she told her: "Bar`ah I will go to paradise ahead of you, but I want you to read the Quran you memorized every day since it will protect you in this life..."

The little girl didn't really understand what her mother was trying to tell her... but she started feeling the change in her mother's status, especially when she was transferred to stay in hospital on a permanent bases. The little girl used to come to the hospital after her school and recite the Quran for her mother till the evening then her father would take her home.

One day the hospital called the husband and informed him that the his wife's condition was very bad and he needed to come as fast as he could, so the father picked Bar`ah from her school and headed to the hospital, when they arrived he asked Barah to stay in the car... so that she wouldn't get shocked if her mother passes away infront of her.

The father got out of his car, with tears in his eyes and while crossing the road to the hospital, he was hit by a speeding car and died in front of his daughter who came crying to her father...!

The tragedy of Bar`ah was not over yet... the news of her father's death was hidden from the mother, but after 5 days the mother passed away leaving Bar`ah alone in this life. She became very lonely without her parents, and her neighbours decided to find her relatives in Egypt so that they can take care of her.

Suddenly, Bar`ah started having severe pain like her mother, after a few tests and checkups it was confirmed it was cancer...she surprised everyone when she said: "Alhamdu Lillah (Praise to Allah), now I will meet my parents."
All of the family and friends were shocked and surprised, this little girl being faced with calamity after calamity and she is patient and satisfied with what Allah ordained for her!

People started hearing about Bar`ah and her story, and a Saudi decided to take care of her... he sent her to the UK for treatment of her disease.

The days passed by and the cancer spread all over her body, the doctors decided to amputate her legs, and she is patient and satisfied with Allah's ordains... after a few days the CANCER spread to her brain, upon which doctors decided for another urgent brain surgery... she was sent to UK and stayed in COMA for a long time..
The girl has passed away now,,May Allah grant her a position in Jannat-ul-Firdaus..
The girl left a very important message for all of us..the truth of this life is that we are sent here simply to go back and meet Allah one day...and so we should not forget the sole purpose of our very short life on this earth..and do as much as we can to get place in Jannah..Also,,the story tells us that all problems sent upon us are from no one but Allah,,so we should be patient as it is said,,the bigger the problem sent upon you,,the more of our sins are forgiven..Now its upon us to decide whether to stay happy in this life or to stay happy in the eternal one..

If it’s the eternal one that you want, then Thank Allah in even the toughest situations..

Listen to the little girl’s recitation..click the link below.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/J79s1v-gk9Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

shazmina Unique_39 Nazahat @ amna saleem

mashallah thx fr the kinda tag