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Jazakillah khair for tagging me! Allah reward you!

Really thought provoking reminder to us all...

There's this message that goes around every so often, but every time i see it , it gives me a jolt.
It goes something like this:

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we treated the Qur'aan the way we treat our mobile phones?
What if we carry it with us wherever we go; in our bags or our pockets?
What if we looked at the pages several times a day?
What if we went panicked crazily and ran back to fetch it, if we had forgotten it?
What if we treated it as though we could not live without it? (And we really cant live without it!)
What if we gave to friends and children as gifts?
What if we even read it while travelling?
What if we made it an absolute priority everyday?

Subhaanallah!!! Makes you think, doesnt it? It gives me goosebumps....
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Jazakillah khair for tagging me! Allah reward you!
Really thought provoking reminder to us all...
There's this message that goes around every so often, but every time i see it , it gives me a jolt.
It goes something like this:
Have you ever wondered what would happen if we treated the Qur'aan the way we treat our mobile phones?
What if we carry it with us wherever we go; in our bags or our pockets?
What if we looked at the pages several times a day?
What if we went panicked crazily and ran back to fetch it, if we had forgotten it?
What if we treated it as though we could not live without it? (And we really cant live without it!)
What if we gave to friends and children as gifts?
What if we even read it while travelling?
What if we made it an absolute priority everyday?

Subhaanallah!!! Makes you think, doesnt it? It gives me goosebumps....
wa iyyakum :) may Allah Help us strive 2 do everything 4 Him wid perfection n (jazakillahu khair :)) reward us all...
awesome msg(y):)
1995@10Sept AngelicBeauty acas shaikh Devilishangel:) fille spéciale SilentSpectator cyclone94 gary221 sumaiyarox:) 7th heaven ;) d quoted post^
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Many of us call ourselves "Muslims".
But what shall remain of our Muslim nature if we forsake the Divine Guidance that Our Lord gifted us with? Certainly, we need not trouble our minds, for that age has come; rather we live in that age. The age of ignorance, the age where we are degraded for being "Muslims", the age of humiliation. So what should we do now? Take the back seat and wait for Allah to wipe us out and replace us with a better people? 47:38 Undoubtedly, it is a shame!
Nay, we must take lesson from our flawed past and thus construct an admirable future. I'll give you a strarting-point: read the Quran, the Light to ward off the darkness of disbelief.
May Allah Help us be the representatives of this Deen in our era, and may we be the pioneers and the ones who carry forward great deeds. Aameen...!
