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Allah's Message ; The Noble Quran

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I was reading Surah al-Kahf , when i had a Epiphany :

Make a thread where members can discuss the Holy Qur'an

Here is the procedure :
1. We decide which Surah is our Surah Of the Week (SOTW)
2. Everyone goes and reads the Surah
3. Come back and express your thoughts
4. We discuss the Surah for a week before we move on!

Rules :
1. No quoting long posts! It's annoying . If you wanna refer to someone , tag them . We're not retarded , we will know what you are talking about .
2. Try to act mature .
3. No arguments
4. No Off Topics
5. No chatting , we're talking about Allah's Message here , so stay serious

The Surah of the Week is : Surah al-Kahf (The Cave)
The next SOTW will be chosen on 9 June .

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Aodhubillahi min as-shaytanir-rajeem. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem.
Al-Hamdulillah. Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadinin-Nabiyyil-Ummiyi wa 'ala Aalihi, wa Sallim Tasleema.

As-Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

Just wanted to make one thing very clear; the dangers of trying to understand the Qur'an without the guidance of a teacher or without the qualified Tafsirs are tremendous. You think Shaytan would just sit there and watch happily while the believers unite with the Book of their Lord?

While understanding the Qur'an is our duty as Muslims and one of the best of deeds, the best way to do so is not on an Xtremepapers forum but under the guidance of a skilled teacher or qualified Imam. The internet is not the best place; its full of disinformation, and us 14 to 20-year-olds are hardly qualified to be interpreting the Glorious Qur'an - most of us are not qualified to even call ourselves 'students of scholars';- there are incredible requirements for even being a student of a scholar, let alone a scholar.

Firstly and most importantly, never, try to read or ponder upon the Qur'an without first reciting 'Aodhubillahi min as-shaytanir-rajeem' - with concentration, so you are actually seeking refuge with Allah from the accursed devil and not simply fulfilling a requirement.

Secondly, never interpret the Qur'an to your own understanding. Always refer to the Tafasir (Interpretations of the Scholars). If you do not have any Tafasir on paperback: http://altafsir.com/

Thirdly, and significantly, there's a Way to the Qur'an. I recommend reading this Book and following the methodology contained therein when one is trying to understand the Sublime Scripture. http://www.sunnipath.com/library/books/B0039P0000.aspx

May Allah guide us all and forbid us misguidance, and make us steadfast upon the Deen of the Elect of Allah's Creation, Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam. Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadinin-Nabiyyil-Ummiyi wa 'ala Aalihi wa Sallim Tasleema. Wal-Hamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen.
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Saad (سعد)
Peace be upon you too
I completely agree with you but I'm not sure that xamza meant it in that way, or maybe i misunderstood, forgive me, correct me.
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-___- Saad (سعد)

There's a difference between , ''expressing one's thoughts '' and '' interpreting the text '' .
Perhaps , you should think before you post a page long post . Your post is in the wrong thread , my friend .
I wasn't asking members , to post books on their interpretations . This was my attempt to make members read the Quran .
And thanks to you , know that's gone ! You underestimate , the forums .

The Hole Prophet (PBUH) said :
'' My community will never unite on error ''

Thanks , for the useless speech . I'm sure you'll get the a Nobel Prize for this .
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1. Story of the people of the Cave .

2.There is a story about a man who brags that his garden has more produce than his friend's , and declares that it will always remain the same and the Day Of Reckoning will never come . So Allah , ruins his garden .

3. The encounter of Hazrat Musa (Moses) and al-Khidr is narrated .In which it is clearly shown that Allah has the Supreme Knowledge and he is aware of the future .

4. The story of the Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) is narrated . How they were disturbing a town and how they were imprisoned behing walls of iron covered with walls of copper . And how one day they will come out .

Throughout the Surah , Allah's Majesty is shown and in each of these stories , the Supreme Power of the Creator is shown to the reader . The respective destinies of evil doers and believers on the Last Day are also reflected .