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Are we good muslims?

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I've seen a lot of people practicing Islam, praying 5 times a day and fasting, but when it comes to equality, they just don't know how to treat the poor. Is that Islam? Are they good muslims?
Pakistan was created as a muslim nation where one could practice the teachings of Islam with freedom. But, even after 65 years of its creation, I can't see any equality in the society. In numerous places, I've seen little kids working instead of studying.
There's a tea hotel (chai ka dhaba) what we call it in Urdu, it's near my place and I go there often, there's a guy who works there. Always wearing a 'topi' and working and cleaning the tables. Today, I parked my car near that place and he came to me and asked, 'bhai yeh aap ki gari hai'. (Brother, is this your car'? 'It's very nice', he continued. I felt so sad, I told him it isn't mine but my dad's. I prayed for him that Allah gives him a better car than the one I've.
Similiarly, there are lots of stores in Pakistan who employee small children as workers. These children are sometimes merely 7 or 8 years old. Imagine, such a little child working instead of studying. It makes me guilty and I realize the fact that Allah has given so much to me. How can all those politicans who hide behind bullet proof glasses and own expensive cars feel the pain of a common man who lives below the poverty line? Why isn't un-employment allowance given to the citizens in pakistan? These children are deserve life we're living. We eat good food and still complain that it's not good enough to satisfy our taste buds. We've a house to live but we complain it's not big enough. What about those who haven't got these facilities? Some days ago, I was bothering my dad to get me an andriod. Never did I knew that 10 to 15 thousand rupee would fulfill all the basic needs of poor which could only buy me a timely happiness.
The videos which I've seen regarding this issue is listed below: (It's a must watch)
We should start thanking Allah for what we have instead of complaining what we don't. Because right now, we can't help anyone who's in financial need. But what we can do is be nice to them, make then smile. That's also a charity. We shouldn't be rude to the beggers, even if you don't want to give something, just smile and say no, trust me they'll leave you. I know that no political leader who address this issue, and it would continue to prevail, but if we do our part, our little contribution, then our nation would surely succeed. Some people might not even read it and other say that it's useless, but if everyone does a little, I'm sure this problem can be addressed. And secondly, please, don't waste food. My friends have the habbit of hitting each other with eggs on our birthdays, though I can't tell them to stop this, as they'd think that I'm being a preacher or a fake, but if any of you does that, stop that! Some people can't even afford an egg, while we throw it just for fun, it's just not right.
badrobot14 , if you just tag people here, it'd be great. :)
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Exactly bro! we must thanks Allah for everything we possess!
From education, to food, to shelter Alhamdullilah we possess each and everything... However one should be helpful and downto earth and must help in every possible way :)
It is better to be a good human being than to be an affluent grumpy dick head!
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do you seriously think thats the problem ___'that we dont thank ALLAH''.........
a british and french soldier stabbed to death ,various bombings worldwide by HYPOCRITES TERMED AS MUSLIMS .....
the problem is we teenagers (and yes mean it ) dont t take these things seriously and let bloody bastards rule us....we fail to take stand against HYPOCRITES and false leaders ...we make fun and just joke around with it....we are the leaders of tomorrow and if u really believe this then why dont we start NOW,......one of main problems of muslim rulers is that they aways ask other nations to work for and in the end they take the lead and we dont....MOST OF OIL ,GAS AND COAL OUR ALREADY IN OUR HANDS ,,WE ALREADY HAVE WESTERN ECONOMY IN OUR HANDS,,ONLY THING needed is OUR WILL
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do you seriously think thats the problem ___'that we dont thank ALLAH''.........
a british and french soldier stabbed to death ,various bombings worldwide by HYPOCRITES TERMED AS MUSLIMS .....
the problem is we teenagers (and yes mean it ) dont t take these things seriously and let bloody bastards rule us....we fail to take stand against HYPOCRITES and false leaders ...we make fun and just joke around with it....we are the leaders of tomorrow and if u really believe this then why dont we start NOW,......one of main problems of muslim rulers is that they aways ask other nations to work for and in the end they take the lead and we dont....MOST OF OIL ,GAS AND COAL OUR ALREADY IN OUR HANDS ,,WE ALREADY HAVE WESTERN ECONOMY IN OUR HANDS,,ONLY THING needed is OUR WILL
Muslim countries are floating in natural resources. Allah has given us everything we need. The Mid East countries has been successfully collecting oil for decades and now most of them are affluent. Bangladesh on the other hand is floating in natural gas. The problem is, our country does not have the proper equipment to extract them. Many times our government has employed foreign nations to extract it for us but on most occassions they ended up destroying or stealing wide proportions of natural gas. Rather than employing the west, countries like ours should try to make our own equipments. And the problem with Arab countries is that they have no concern whatsoever about the underdeveloped countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan. To have even a better view of us Muslims, you don't have to go too far. Just take the Rohingyas for example. If an earthquate strikes in California, you start watching BBC all day long but do you even give a damn about the genocide against our Muslim brothers in Myanmar? Everyday, Rohingyas are being killed, mosques are being destroyed. Where is the brotherhood which our Prophet(pbuh) taught us? We Muslims just do not care about eachother. This is one of the main reason for the bad state of Muslim nations. Allah has given us everything, we just have to follow our Prophet(pbuh), then we will excel automatically.
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I've seen a lot of people practicing Islam, praying 5 times a day and fasting, but when it comes to equality, they just don't know how to treat the poor. Is that Islam? Are they good muslims?
Pakistan was created as a muslim nation where one could practice the teachings of Islam with freedom. But, even after 65 years of its creation, I can't see any equality in the society. In numerous places, I've seen little kids working instead of studying.
There's a tea hotel (chai ka dhaba) what we call it in Urdu, it's near my place and I go there often, there's a guy who works there. Always wearing a 'topi' and working and cleaning the tables. Today, I parked my car near that place and he came to me and asked, 'bhai yeh aap ki gari hai'. (Brother, is this your car'? 'It's very nice', he continued. I felt so sad, I told him it isn't mine but my dad's. I prayed for him that Allah gives him a better car than the one I've.
Similiarly, there are lots of stores in Pakistan who employee small children as workers. These children are sometimes merely 7 or 8 years old. Imagine, such a little child working instead of studying. It makes me guilty and I realize the fact that Allah has given so much to me. How can all those politicans who hide behind bullet proof glasses and own expensive cars feel the pain of a common man who lives below the poverty line? Why isn't un-employment allowance given to the citizens in pakistan? These children are deserve life we're living. We eat good food and still complain that it's not good enough to satisfy our taste buds. We've a house to live but we complain it's not big enough. What about those who haven't got these facilities? Some days ago, I was bothering my dad to get me an andriod. Never did I knew that 10 to 15 thousand rupee would fulfill all the basic needs of poor which could only buy me a timely happiness.
The videos which I've seen regarding this issue is listed below: (It's a must watch)
We should start thanking Allah for what we have instead of complaining what we don't. Because right now, we can't help anyone who's in financial need. But what we can do is be nice to them, make then smile. That's also a charity. We shouldn't be rude to the beggers, even if you don't want to give something, just smile and say no, trust me they'll leave you. I know that no political leader who address this issue, and it would continue to prevail, but if we do our part, our little contribution, then our nation would surely succeed. Some people might not even read it and other say that it's useless, but if everyone does a little, I'm sure this problem can be addressed. And secondly, please, don't waste food. My friends have the habbit of hitting each other with eggs on our birthdays, though I can't tell them to stop this, as they'd think that I'm being a preacher or a fake, but if any of you does that, stop that! Some people can't even afford an egg, while we throw it just for fun, it's just not right.
badrobot14 , if you just tag people here, it'd be great. :)

Jazak Allahu Khair for the reminder Brother....May Allah Guide us to distinguish between good and evil...
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Nothing can change if we don't change our thinking. Instead of being rude to the beggars, smile and say no. Give them a packet of chips instead, that's what I do. Poverty cannot be eliminated, as this means that rich would lose their status and power, therefore they'd never let this happen. But do on your part and Allah will reward you. :) Simple as that.
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Nothing can change if we don't change our thinking. Instead of being rude to the beggars, smile and say no. Give them a packet of chips instead, that's what I do. Poverty cannot be eliminated, as this means that rich would lose their status and power, therefore they'd never let this happen. But do on your part and Allah will reward you. :) Simple as that.

Exactly..but what really scares me is the fact that amongst the signs of the Day, is that there'll be no one to accept Sadaqah...:( So we must fill this part of our Iman as fast as possible; before the sign shows up..
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I've seen a lot of people practicing Islam, praying 5 times a day and fasting, but when it comes to equality, they just don't know how to treat the poor. Is that Islam? Are they good muslims?
Pakistan was created as a muslim nation where one could practice the teachings of Islam with freedom. But, even after 65 years of its creation, I can't see any equality in the society. In numerous places, I've seen little kids working instead of studying.
There's a tea hotel (chai ka dhaba) what we call it in Urdu, it's near my place and I go there often, there's a guy who works there. Always wearing a 'topi' and working and cleaning the tables. Today, I parked my car near that place and he came to me and asked, 'bhai yeh aap ki gari hai'. (Brother, is this your car'? 'It's very nice', he continued. I felt so sad, I told him it isn't mine but my dad's. I prayed for him that Allah gives him a better car than the one I've.
Similiarly, there are lots of stores in Pakistan who employee small children as workers. These children are sometimes merely 7 or 8 years old. Imagine, such a little child working instead of studying. It makes me guilty and I realize the fact that Allah has given so much to me. How can all those politicans who hide behind bullet proof glasses and own expensive cars feel the pain of a common man who lives below the poverty line? Why isn't un-employment allowance given to the citizens in pakistan? These children are deserve life we're living. We eat good food and still complain that it's not good enough to satisfy our taste buds. We've a house to live but we complain it's not big enough. What about those who haven't got these facilities? Some days ago, I was bothering my dad to get me an andriod. Never did I knew that 10 to 15 thousand rupee would fulfill all the basic needs of poor which could only buy me a timely happiness.
The videos which I've seen regarding this issue is listed below: (It's a must watch)
We should start thanking Allah for what we have instead of complaining what we don't. Because right now, we can't help anyone who's in financial need. But what we can do is be nice to them, make then smile. That's also a charity. We shouldn't be rude to the beggers, even if you don't want to give something, just smile and say no, trust me they'll leave you. I know that no political leader who address this issue, and it would continue to prevail, but if we do our part, our little contribution, then our nation would surely succeed. Some people might not even read it and other say that it's useless, but if everyone does a little, I'm sure this problem can be addressed. And secondly, please, don't waste food. My friends have the habbit of hitting each other with eggs on our birthdays, though I can't tell them to stop this, as they'd think that I'm being a preacher or a fake, but if any of you does that, stop that! Some people can't even afford an egg, while we throw it just for fun, it's just not right.
badrobot14 , if you just tag people here, it'd be great. :)
To become a good Muslim instead of praying 5 times we must become a good individual,or good human. All the religions are saying that we need to become a good human.We can become good human if we can help others, if we can help others in their sadness, if we can be happy in others happiness. While praying we must pray for the whole world instead of praying for us or for our relatives. Then,we will get a peace and happiness which can't get by any other things in the world. So, try to pray for all while praying next time.
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To become a good Muslim instead of praying 5 times we must become a good individual,or good human. All the religions are saying that we need to become a good human.We can become good human if we can help others, if we can help others in their sadness, if we can be happy in others happiness. While praying we must pray for the whole world instead of praying for us or for our relatives. Then,we will get a peace and happiness which can't get by any other things in the world. So, try to pray for all while praying next time.

In simple words, establishing a bond of brotherhood within ourselves will make us one force, one Ummah, and will bring us the happiness, if not in this world, in the Akhira for sure, inshAllah..
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To become a good Muslim instead of praying 5 times we must become a good individual,or good human. All the religions are saying that we need to become a good human.We can become good human if we can help others, if we can help others in their sadness, if we can be happy in others happiness. While praying we must pray for the whole world instead of praying for us or for our relatives. Then,we will get a peace and happiness which can't get by any other things in the world. So, try to pray for all while praying next time.
Corrections : What do you mean by "instead of praying 5 times"? Becoming a good human being without performing the obligatory prayers does not make you a good Muslim. To become a good Muslim, you have to do both.
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Corrections : What do you mean by "instead of praying 5 times"? Becoming a good human being without performing the obligatory prayers does not make you a good Muslim. To become a good Muslim, you have to do both.

I think he/she made a grammatical mistake..we all know what he/she means..look at the last line.