11) all ammonium salts on heating with sodium hydroxide produce ammonia gas. From which ammonium salt can the greatest mass of ammonia be obtained?
a) 0.5 mol (NH4)3 PO4
B) 0.5 mol (NH4)2 S03
C) 1.0 mol NH4Cl
D) 1.0 mol NH4NO3
How do we get to the answer?
Kindly help. Thankyou in advance.
convert moles into mass for all salts
a ad b can give two moles of ammonia
c and d can gve one mole of ammnia
find massof all the salts
divide mass of moles produd=ced by each salt divided by total mass f the salt and multiply it with mass of salts given in the questin(u already have conv
erted mles into mass in first step