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Biology; Chemistry; Physics: Post your doubts here!

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Is it wrong if its horizontal? And thank you :)
Oh and one more question.
If the boiling water temperature is 103 but the thermometer reads 100...is it because of the steam loss?
For the second part, steam is evolving from the solution. This steam is pure, and has a boiling point of 100. this steam comes in contact with the bulb of the therm. and it record a temp of 100
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Is it wrong if its horizontal? And thank you :)
Oh and one more question.
If the boiling water temperature is 103 but the thermometer reads 100...is it because of the steam loss?

It's because the water contained impurities. Impurities raise the boiling point of water/liquid.
But as the thermometer is in contact with steam in air and not water it reads 100 as steam is pure.
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For higher sensitivity the bore should be narrow and the liquid should expand easily/more when heated.
For a more responsive thermometer, the glass should be as thin as possible and the liquid must be a good conductor of heat.
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plz tell the features for 1 Responsiveness 2 Senstivity for themometer
if u hv notes plz provide

Responsiveness is how quickly the thermometer reacts to the temperature change. In simple words, how quickly the heat is transferred from the object to the thermometer is determined by the thermometer's responsiveness. The responsiveness of the thermometer depends on how THIN the BULB of the thermometer is.

Sensitivity is how much the thermometric substance in the thermometer (e.g mercury) EXPANDS for a given change. E.g if the mercury in Thermometer A expands 5 cm for a change of 1 degree celsius, and Thermometer B expands 10 cm for 1 degree celsius, then thermometer B is more SENSITIVE than Thermometer B.

It's very easy to confuse these two. So make sure your concepts are clear. Also, responsiveness is not part of our syllabus. Range, Linearity, and Sensitivity are.
I'd say you read the syllabus, at least skim through it for a better preparation :D
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can u tell about range
Responsiveness is how quickly the thermometer reacts to the temperature change. In simple words, how quickly the heat is transferred from the object to the thermometer is determined by the thermometer's responsiveness. The responsiveness of the thermometer depends on how THIN the BULB of the thermometer is.

Sensitivity is how much the thermometric substance in the thermometer (e.g mercury) EXPANDS for a given change. E.g if the mercury in Thermometer A expands 5 cm for a change of 1 degree celsius, and Thermometer B expands 10 cm for 1 degree celsius, then thermometer B is more SENSITIVE than Thermometer B.

It's very easy to confuse these two. So make sure your concepts are clear. Also, responsiveness is not part of our syllabus. Range, Linearity, and Sensitivity are.
I'd say you read the syllabus, at least skim through it for a better preparation :D
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http://papers.xtremepapers.com/CIE/Cambridge International O Level/Physics (5054)/5054_s05_qp_4.pdf
Question 4 (c)
Can i mention the two person method, like one drops, and the other operates the stopwatch?
The issue of reaction time,late starting,early stopping and all the stuff exist when two people are used since both of them have different reaction times.
The best would be to drop it from a known height(shoulder level perhaps) and manipulate the stopwatch in your other hand. Reapeat thrice and take an average. This would be more accurate than using two people
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The issue of reaction time,late starting,early stopping and all the stuff exist when two people are used since both of them have different reaction times.
The best would be to drop it from a known height(shoulder level perhaps) and manipulate the stopwatch in your other hand. Reapeat thrice and take an average. This would be more accurate than using two people
Actually this introduces way more error than two people handling it. The human body is not very fast so you cant press the stopwatch at exactly the moment it falls. But if you have two students, one has his full attention on pressing the stopwatch. Thus less error is found.
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Actually this introduces way more error than two people handling it. The human body is not very fast so you cant press the stopwatch at exactly the moment it falls. But if you have two students, one has his full attention on pressing the stopwatch. Thus less error is found.
Just checked the ms...
c) sensible suggestion, e.g. use marker to fix drop height/repeats and average hold/drop in the same way/use stopwatch

Its just a one mark q so sayeng repeat and average will give you the mark.lol:):ROFLMAO:
Yeah,i agree....but i think both are correct as long as its expressed well
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This is part of Physics Syllabus

-describe experiments to show electrostatic charging by

- describe experiments to show the force on
a beam of charged particles in a magnetic field

how to prepare for thiiis?
a) 1. rub polyethene rod with wool(charge attained on rod)
2.use electroscope(charge identifying device) and bring rod near to metal plate of electroscope
3. If the strip of electroscope rises , means rod was charged
b)1.set horse shoe shaped permanent magnet
2. use a circuit connected to a cell and use resistor in it (to avoid overheating)
3. attach an end of circuit wire (going between horse shoe magnet) to clamp stand
4. wire will rotate clockwise or anti clockwise depending on direction of force

Physics now! Can anybody give physics atp notes please please please?
Ok. Over with bio atm. NOW RELOAD PHYSICS ATP! Anyone having notes? Experiments specially. Btw a word of advise: Dont disscuss the paper. Whats done is done. It'll make you nothing but feel miserable. You'll feel as if you hadn't done enough. So get it over with! Now post physicssss!!!!!! Atp notes! Anyone???
attached it .. its very viral now

http://papers.xtremepapers.com/CIE/Cambridge International O Level/Physics (5054)/5054_s05_qp_4.pdf
Question 4 (c)
Can i mention the two person method, like one drops, and the other operates the stopwatch?
ofcourse you can. but include this : student A says "go" and drops paper, immediately student B starts stopwatch .. reaction times can differ
other answers: drop from same height, repeat, average.


  • Important Questions with Answers for Physics ATP-Xtrem.pdf
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Hey! i have a simple question that can you draw a expirement in extra space under the lines provided in physics and bio ?? because i did in bio atp.. it wont matter right? like the wont cut marks for that?