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Biology - some doubts in the curriculum

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I have a few doubts in the Biology curriculum content. Hope you guys can help :

1. Page 13 - Know that there are other classification systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/ DNA sequencing)
2. Page 15 - Describe the importance of diffusion of gases and solutes and of water as a solvent (what is diffusion of solutes here?)
3. Page 16 - Describe the role of the fungus Penicillium in the production of antibiotic penicillin
4. Page 22 - Compare the role of transpiration........within plants at different seasons
5. Page 23 - What are the main blood vessels to and from the liver?
6. Page 24 - (last point in the Supplement section) changes in pH in tissues and blood?
7. Page 26 - Discuss the use of hormones in food production
8. Page 27 - What is the coordinating role of the brain in homeostasis?
9. Page 28 - Explain why antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses

Thank you!
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Best questions, They are simply giving you the tricks that may be present in the exam. I have mastered the syllabus fully.
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Ok, Just know that the binomial system isn't the only classification system out there.

You must describe importance of diffusion of gasses like diffusion of CO2 and O2 for respiration in humans or diffusion of CO2 into the leaves for photosynthesis in plants.

You must know that to produce penicillen, Mould penicillium has to be put into a fermenter, the medium has to be filled with sugar, salts and other nutrients. Penicillin will start producing when penicillum has used up most of the nutrients for growth.

Transpiration decreases in cold weather but increases in hot weather because it loses more water due to the heat. High temp causing more water to transpire to cool down the plant.

Liver has 2 blood sources, Hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery.

Changes in PH due to formation of lactic acid and increase in concentration of carbon dioxide due to respiration anaerobically producing lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

Hormones like anabolic steroids ------> Increases protein synthesis ------> Given to cattle to increase their meat yield.
Bovine somatrophine ------> Given to cattle to increase their milk yield.

Brain acts as a sensor in homeostasis, Hypothalamus is the part in the brain that acts as a control center telling organs to increase/decrease production depending on stimuli.

Antibitiocs kill bactera because they target bacterial cell wall only, viruses don't have a cell wall, Human cells don't have walls except bactera so it destroys anything with wall in the human body by binding to the enzyme responsible for formation of this cell wall and causing it's death to osmotic pressure.

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"Compare the role of transpiration and translocation of materials from sources to sinks, within plants at different seasons" ? :shock: :(

OH you should also know that antibiotics don't kill viruses because viruses are not alive. :3
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Adahshan said:
Ok, Just know that the binomial system isn't the only classification system out there.

You must describe importance of diffusion of gasses like diffusion of CO2 and O2 for respiration in humans or diffusion of CO2 into the leaves for photosynthesis in plants.

You must know that to produce penicillen, Mould penicillium has to be put into a fermenter, the medium has to be filled with sugar, salts and other nutrients. Penicillin will start producing when penicillum has used up most of the nutrients for growth.

Transpiration decreases in cold weather but increases in hot weather because it loses more water due to the heat. High temp causing more water to transpire to cool down the plant.

Liver has 2 blood sources, Hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery.

Changes in PH due to formation of lactic acid and increase in concentration of carbon dioxide due to respiration anaerobically producing lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

Hormones like anabolic steroids ------> Increases protein synthesis ------> Given to cattle to increase their meat yield.
Bovine somatrophine ------> Given to cattle to increase their milk yield.

Brain acts as a sensor in homeostasis, Hypothalamus is the part in the brain that acts as a control center telling organs to increase/decrease production depending on stimuli.

Antibitiocs kill bactera because they target bacterial cell wall only, viruses don't have a cell wall, Human cells don't have walls except bactera so it destroys anything with wall in the human body by binding to the enzyme responsible for formation of this cell wall and causing it's death to osmotic pressure.


Good explanations, you got a bit confused with the virus one though.. You are right that cell walls are targeted, but the antibiotics disrupt the bacteria's metabolism. In contrast, a virus doesn't have a metabolism until it takes over a host cell. Which is why antibiotics do not work on it :)
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I have a few doubts in the Biology curriculum content. Hope you guys can help :
page 14-- muscle cells (contraction)
page 17--explain the concept of limiting factors in photosynthesis
page 17--explain the use of co2 enrichment, optimum temperatures in glasshouse systems
page 17-- explain that chlorophyll traps light energy and converts it into chemical energy for the formation of carbohydrates and their subsequent storage
page 18--describe the effects of malnutrition in relation to starvation,coronary heart disease, constipation and obesity
page 18--duscuss ways in which the use of modern technology.........artificial selection
page 20--state the role of hepatic portal vein in the transport of absorbed food to the liver
page 22--describe translocation throughout the plant of applied chemicals, including systemic pesticides
page 23--describe the immune system of tissue rejection
page 24--explain the link between physical activity ..................and in the blood
p[age 26--state that muscle and glands can act as effectors
pagge26--describe the action of antagonistic muscles to include.....at the elbow joint
page 26-- state the role of hormone adrenaline...............and pulse rate
page 27-@ tropic responses, what is mean by investigate geotropism and phototropism
page 28--describe the medicinal use of antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infection
page 29--discuss the advantages and disadvantages to a species of asexual and sexual reproduction
page 29--describe asexual reproduction in bacteria, spore producion.............in potato
page 30--discuss the implications to a species of self-pollination and cross-pollination
page 31--outline the processes involved in labour and birth
page 31--explain the role of hormones in controlling the menstrual cycles.............
page 32--outline the use of hormones in fertility drugs and discuss their social implications
page 33-state the role of mitosis in growth.....reproduciton
page 34--state that meiosis results.....genetically identical
page 34--state that gametes are result of meiosis
page 35--describe mutation as a....syndrome
page 35--outline the effects of ionising radiation .........of mutation
page 35--describe the role of artificial selection...economic importance
page35--explain why and outline how, human insulin......genetic enginnering
page 36--describe the non-cycical nature of energy flow
page 36--explain why food chains have .....levels
page 36--explain why there is an...crop plants to animal
page 37--the whole supplement
page 38--describe the inrease in human population groweth
page 38--outline the effects of humans on ecosystems....riers
page 39--pollution due to nuclear fallout
page 39--describe the need for the conservation of ............
page 39-- exlain how limited and non-renewable............human use
I hope u can reply me as soon as possible because the exam is near and i am in a hurry to catch up with this.....and thanks a lot
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Hello Mr Adahshan , i hope u can help me on my doubts on biology just like helping to lavanyamane because i need to know them as early as possible as the exam is just around the corner
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page 17 ---------> Temperature, concentration of CO2, availability of water, availability of minerals, intensity of sunlight, duration of sunlight, color of sunlight reaching the leaves are all factors that can limit photosynthesis. If any one of these factors is limiting, that factor will determine the rate of photosynthesis.
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Roselyn said:
Hello Mr Adahshan , i hope u can help me on my doubts on biology just like helping to lavanyamane because i need to know them as early as possible as the exam is just around the corner

Do you not have a book to study from? Or a teacher for that matter? Half of what you're asking is very basic and information, and the other half isn't even a question. Like:

page 14-- muscle cells (contraction)

Is that supposed to be a question? Muscle cells contract and relax...what's the problem?