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Boycott Google and YouTube and Defend Islam...

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Assalaamu Alaikum

Sisters and Brothers in Islam...

From today and for the next three days, faithful Muslims will stop using Google and YouTube because of their arrogant refusal to stop showing the film that made distasteful fun of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

If Denmark can suffer huge economic disaster as a consequence of a united Muslim boycott,then imagine what this action can do??


When you attack black people, they call it Racism
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-Semetisim
When you attack women, they call it Gender Discrimination
When you attack Homosexuality, they call it Intolerance
When you attack your country, they call it Terrorism
When you attack a Religious sect, they call it Hate Speech
When THEY attack the dignity of OUR Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), they call it FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!


Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) said: Whoever from amongst you sees an evil should change it by his hand, if he is unable to do so then he should change it by his tongue (by speaking against it), and if he is unable to do so then he should reject it in his heart - and this is the weakest of Iman (Muslim)


Come on, brothers and sisters in Islam! Let us raise our voices and protest against this disgraceful injustice. It is the least we can do to defend Islam!
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Assalaamu Alaikum

Sisters and Brothers in Islam...

From today and for the next three days, faithful Muslims will stop using Google and YouTube because of their arrogant refusal to stop showing the film that made distasteful fun of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

If Denmark can suffer huge economic disaster as a consequence of a united Muslim boycott,then imagine what this action can do??


When you attack black people, they call it Racism
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-Semetisim
When you attack women, they call it Gender Discrimination
When you attack Homosexuality, they call it Intolerance
When you attack your country, they call it Terrorism
When you attack a Religious sect, they call it Hate Speech
When THEY attack the dignity of OUR Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), they call it FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!


Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) said: Whoever from amongst you sees an evil should change it by his hand, if he is unable to do so then he should change it by his tongue (by speaking against it), and if he is unable to do so then he should reject it in his heart - and this is the weakest of Iman (Muslim)


Come on, brothers and sisters in Islam! Let us raise our voices and protest against this disgraceful injustice. It is the least we can do to defend Islam!

JazakAllah khair for creating this thread and spreading the information! truly we can have a huge impact on these economies if we do unite inshaAllah!!
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Awesome thread InDiviDuaLisT (y) ......... Yes in inshallah i will try my best ......and i think all of us must go against it......just like in Pakistan Youtube is baned ....our leaders must also convey this massage to boycott such websites to the other muslims leaders ....even the NATO supply must be stopped ....... so that they may get lesson ........
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Assalaamu Alaikum

Sisters and Brothers in Islam...

From today and for the next three days, faithful Muslims will stop using Google and YouTube because of their arrogant refusal to stop showing the film that made distasteful fun of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

If Denmark can suffer huge economic disaster as a consequence of a united Muslim boycott,then imagine what this action can do??


When you attack black people, they call it Racism
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-Semetisim
When you attack women, they call it Gender Discrimination
When you attack Homosexuality, they call it Intolerance
When you attack your country, they call it Terrorism
When you attack a Religious sect, they call it Hate Speech
When THEY attack the dignity of OUR Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), they call it FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!


Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) said: Whoever from amongst you sees an evil should change it by his hand, if he is unable to do so then he should change it by his tongue (by speaking against it), and if he is unable to do so then he should reject it in his heart - and this is the weakest of Iman (Muslim)


Come on, brothers and sisters in Islam! Let us raise our voices and protest against this disgraceful injustice. It is the least we can do to defend Islam!
i agree with u 100%. i hope these people are insulted in the aakhirah the way they insulted our Prophet (s.a.w)
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Don't we disrespect the prophet(s) with our actions? Further, why not take advantage of youtube or google. I use youtube to watch maths videos and I'm facing great difficulty without it. Why not use the report option for such thing rather banning the whole site? Think about both, the positive and negative sides. I used to watch noman ali video's on youtube, I used to listen to Quran. Google is the best search engine there is. Why ban it?
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Don't we disrespect the prophet(s) with our actions? Further, why not take advantage of youtube or google. I use youtube to watch maths videos and I'm facing great difficulty without it. Why not use the report option for such thing rather banning the whole site? Think about both, the positive and negative sides. I used to watch noman ali video's on youtube, I used to listen to Quran. Google is the best search engine there is. Why ban it?

There are always two ways to look at something. You too, are absolutely right. :) However, sometimes, it is necessary for us to respond on a greater scale. In this sense, by youtube being banned in many countries, it is creating a greater awareness than merely reporting the video would, and thus, will probably result in a greater response. Although it is not banned where I live, I boycotted it, and I had great difficulty as well. However, there are alternatives, albeit not so good. In any event, my post was merely a suggestion; those who wished could participate. There are many ways in which we can show our displeasure for what is happening, and it is up to each individual to decide. And indeed, what is most important, is for us to change ourselves, be better Muslims and live our lives according to the Sunnah. That way, InshaAllah, we can inspire the world and give them a chance to see the beautiful character and wise teachings of our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).
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I agree with you but there are other ways to protest too right? Why not sue youtube or that director of movie in U.S courts? Government could easily do that and this was suggestion of 'Ali Moeen Nawazish'.
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I agree with you but there are other ways to protest too right? Why not sue youtube or that director of movie in U.S courts? Government could easily do that and this was suggestion of 'Ali Moeen Nawazish'.
Definitely. That is just what I said: there are many ways to show our displeasure...And it is not that only one action has to be taken, like either this protest or that...rather, the more protests of different types, the better. I hope they are sued.
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Another idea is to us AdBlockPlus on your internet program (firefox, don't use chrome, it is google and they record everything you do to RESELL it)

It will also block all advertisings on youtube and all websites on the internet, so google won't make 1 cent from us
let's fight smart
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you know just yesterday, i went to youtube because i was bored and i was in great shock that youtube was supporting the awful videos that insulted our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
you made such a wonderful thread and i am so full full of emotions and wonder "How dare they insult our belobved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) !!"
Allah shall grant a severe punishment for those who insult prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


Thankyou for making such a wonderful thread, fromm here on i shall biycott google and youtube (inshallah) May Allah deal with these awful people who dare to insult prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
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you know just yesterday, i went to youtube because i was bored and i was in great shock that youtube was supporting the awful videos that insulted our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
you made such a wonderful thread and i am so full full of emotions and wonder "How dare they insult our belobved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) !!"
Allah shall grant a severe punishment for those who insult prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


Thankyou for making such a wonderful thread, fromm here on i shall biycott google and youtube (inshallah) May Allah deal with these awful people who dare to insult prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
i considered it my duty to do so :D...
btw do u know that youtube is now showing the entire movie, and not only the trailer?
InshaAllah, they will definitely be punished.
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i considered it my duty to do so :D...
btw do u know that youtube is now showing the entire movie, and not only the trailer?
InshaAllah, they will definitely be punished.

omg i didnt know that, you know Allah shall give them a severe punishment in the hereafter
it literally gets me upset when they insult our beloved prophet (peace be upon him)
i hope that the awful trailers/movies will be removed as it is awful and they are mocking our dear prophet

Allah shall deal with those who insult our beloved prohet inshallah
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I don't quite understand. What does Bill Gates have anything to do with this?

Google and Yahoo are simply showing the truth. They aren't lawyers that they're going to justify what Nakoula has done. If they didn't show the movie, chances that muslims outside America would've got even a hint that such a movie existed could have been nil. And then, no one would be protesting. So the movie, hidden, would have still been circulating, but this time, with no mass opposing it.

Weeds grow best hidden. Google and Youtube haven't hidden the weeds. If Google and Youtube were accomplices, then they should have hidden the protests too-- why didn't they do it?
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I don't quite understand. What does Bill Gates have anything to do with this?

Google and Yahoo are simply showing the truth. They aren't lawyers that they're going to justify what Nakoula has done. If they didn't show the movie, chances that muslims outside America would've got even a hint that such a movie existed could have been nil. And then, no one would be protesting. So the movie, hidden, would have still been circulating, but this time, with no mass opposing it.

Weeds grow best hidden. Google and Youtube haven't hidden the weeds. If Google and Youtube were accomplices, then they should have hidden the protests too-- why didn't they do it?

hmmm...you do have a real point there...

however, because of google and youtube showing the video, even if it is removed now, it will still be accessible by the thousands of people worldwide, who have it downloaded on their computers etc, and who will continue to circulate it.. thus leading to a greater amount of viewers than if it were silently circulated from the beginning......
and if it was being silently circulated, it would definitely have reached Muslims at some point, and so, there would have been awareness and protests...
however, it would not have been viewed at such a large scale, if not for google and youtube, and that has both advantages and disadvantages..

thanx for voicing ur opinion anyways... u partially convinced me.... :D
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I'd like to share my thoughts on this. Firstly I'm not a muslim but I appreciate that everyone should follow their principles so I may not be the best to judge. Google have their own set of guidelines that they have to abide to and loads of controversial stuff about all communities and even gender attacks like "Women can't drive" are present on youtube. Racist stuff about black and white Americans exist there. Even criticism of Google itself exists on youtube.

So, I believe that such actions are a bit extremist and not necessary. If anyone is to blame its the uploader and creator of the video not google. In fact personally I believe that actions like these will only cause more disrespect towards the community. Two wrongs don't make a right so you can't really attack the uploader either (although he did something bad). He should face the consequences automatically on his own

In fact if you really had to boycott Google, you have to avoid more stuff, i.e. All devices running Linux (Google submits code to linux), that means most web servers, android phones, and a lot more. This site even has Google adds on it.

Well maybe I don't understand things properly and am interpreting it in a different way.

When you attack black people, they call it Racism
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-Semetisim
When you attack women, they call it Gender Discrimination
When you attack Homosexuality, they call it Intolerance
When you attack your country, they call it Terrorism
When you attack a Religious sect, they call it Hate Speech

There are plenty of insulting things on youtube and the Internet for all these things.
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I'd like to share my thoughts on this. Firstly I'm not a muslim but I appreciate that everyone should follow their principles so I may not be the best to judge. Google have their own set of guidelines that they have to abide to and loads of controversial stuff about all communities and even gender attacks like "Women can't drive" are present on youtube. Racist stuff about black and white Americans exist there. Even criticism of Google itself exists on youtube.

So, I believe that such actions are a bit extremist and not necessary. If anyone is to blame its the uploader and creator of the video not google. In fact personally I believe that actions like these will only cause more disrespect towards the community. Two wrongs don't make a right so you can't really attack the uploader either (although he did something bad). He should face the consequences automatically on his own

In fact if you really had to boycott Google, you have to avoid more stuff, i.e. All devices running Linux (Google submits code to linux), that means most web servers, android phones, and a lot more. This site even has Google adds on it.

Well maybe I don't understand things properly and am interpreting it in a different way.


There are plenty of insulting things on youtube and the Internet for all these things.

hey PrincessLuna....i see you're new here, so welcome and all the best in ur studies :D

you are right in certain aspects. but....

yes, definitely there are controversial stuff present on youtube, stuff that insult all types of different people and different religions...i dont deny that...but it is up to those individuals being insulted to decide whether to respond or not, and in which manner to respond..and although i would consider the bombings and violent protests to be extreme , i can hardly see how silent protests and boycotting could be considered as extremist.....

think about it this way, if a bunch of people had to protest and boycott youtube about offensive materials against homosexuality, then the world would be in uproar and there would be gay pride parades all over...i dont think it would be considered extreme in the least, in fact, such a response would be expected....

If I may say, I find it very sad these days, that Islam is being portrayed in such a manner, that it is automatically associated with violence, terrorism, hate, extremism, torture, and every other negative. I truly wish that people would look beyond the media and propaganda and look at Islam as it really is. It is such a beautiful, pure and peaceful religion...

Please, i have to clarify, i am not stereotyping or saying that the entire world is against Islam, or anything like that....I seriously hope i dont come across as offensive or defensive or whatever.... :D

in the end, we all have our own opinions and thank you so much for sharing ur view, I really appreciate it and it allows me to see the same issue in so many different ways....
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hey PrincessLuna....i see you're new here, so welcome and all the best in ur studies :D

you are right in certain aspects. but....

yes, definitely there are controversial stuff present on youtube, stuff that insult all types of different people and different religions...i dont deny that...but it is up to those individuals being insulted to decide whether to respond or not, and in which manner to respond..and although i would consider the bombings and violent protests to be extreme , i can hardly see how silent protests and boycotting could be considered as extremist.....

think about it this way, if a bunch of people had to protest and boycott youtube about offensive materials against homosexuality, then the world would be in uproar and there would be gay pride parades all over...i dont think it would be considered extreme in the least, in fact, such a response would be expected....

If I may say, I find it very sad these days, that Islam is being portrayed in such a manner, that it is automatically associated with violence, terrorism, hate, extremism, torture, and every other negative. I truly wish that people would look beyond the media and propaganda and look at Islam as it really is. It is such a beautiful, pure and peaceful religion...

Please, i have to clarify, i am not stereotyping or saying that the entire world is against Islam, or anything like that....I seriously hope i dont come across as offensive or defensive or whatever.... :D

in the end, we all have our own opinions and thank you so much for sharing ur view, I really appreciate it and it allows me to see the same issue in so many different ways....

You misunderstand me. I am mainly saying that I don't believe Google/Youtube can be blamed one bit for what has happened so it makes no sense boycotting them. Boycotting the video in question itself is what makes sense. The stereotypes of terrorism etc that surround Islam don't really make sense because although those people doing such things say they follow Islam, they do not. A terrorist cannot claim that he is Islamic as such actions violate islamic culture I believe.

Also if you really had to boycott Google, you cannot use this forum as it uses technologies by Google, you can't use Android phones, most websites hosted on Linux systems etc.

I don't mean extremist in that way, I mean it will yield no results as Google itself is not responsible. Google is a service provider, they are not liable for how their users use that service. They have no explicit policy against such videos so they cannot remove it. You can't blame the creator of a road for the actions of a drunk driver.