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Computer Science 9608 website for complete notes & FB group.

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I am pleased to announce the launch of my new website www.zakonweb.com. This product is the result of a lot of work done by my team over the past 6 or 8 months.
Our goal with this new site is to provide our visitors with an easier way to learn and access O/A Computer Science Subject resources, notes, videos, frequently asked questions, topical questions and blog writings. We will be adding newly researched resources on a regular basis, and feature a blog that will present information on current “hot topics” related to Computer Science 2210 and 9608. Look for it in the coming months!
I hope you find the new website has a fresh look, is easy to use and is informative. Please send me your feedback through "Contact Us" section of the website (www.zakonweb.com).
‪#PhirSayGradeUthaDain #‎Olevel‬‪ #‎ComputerScience‬ ‪#‎CIE‬‪ #‎ZAKonweb‬
