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English... -_-' (need help)

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Can anyone post Letter Format and Requirements of a good Essay (like use of idioms etc...) Here...?
Thanks.. :)

essay writing is quite simple.. all u need is a good.. no great imagination and good vocabulary... the use of idioms is not that important.. u dont even have to use big words.. write ur essay using simple words... the main point to remember is u shud make the reader feel the same way ur character is feeling... for this ur vocabulary is important.. for eg... if ur writing an emotional story in which sumone dies, ur reader shud feel the pain of death as though it happened to him/her!! Furthermore ur opening paragraph and closing paragraph shud be very strong and attention grabbing.. essays are judged usually by the opening paragraph and many people spoil a really good essay with the ending.. so make both these paragraphs good... even if it is a factual essay topic, u can twist it to suit u... and when it comes to the open topics.. u will always hav an advantage there.. always remember to select a topic which u r sure of ur points (esp in the case of open topics) and never choose a fictional topic if u r not good in putting ur thoughts into words...
hope this helped... il try to post the letter format.. good luck for ur paper... they are usually lenient so dont worry!! =)
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Informal Letters
Yes, an informal letter should be fairly informal – but don’t overdo it! The examiner will not be impressed by text messaging shorthand such as "U" for you. Likewise, please avoid excessive use of slang: your objective is to show off your knowledge of standard English vocabulary and grammar.
The content of informal letters is difficult to predict. However, they often include an account of recent events. If you have to write a letter like this, then take care with your verbs! Also, try to use some time phrases (e.g. Shortly after that, Later, That afternoon, After dinner, …) Try to use a good range of vocabulary too, avoiding dull words such as "nice", "fun" and "scary".
Dear Cameron
· Thank you for your lovely letter.
· Many thanks for your letter.
· Thanks for writing.
· It was good to hear from you.
· Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been very busy.
· Sorry for taking so long to reply. I have been revising for my exams.
· Well, that’s all my news for now.
· It’s getting late, so I’d better stop now.
· I’d better stop now. It’s past midnight and I have an exam tomorrow.
· Time to stop: Mum’s calling me for dinner.
· I’d better finish – I’m running out of space.
· I look forward to hearing from you.
· I can hardly wait to meet you.
· Please write again soon.
· Please keep in touch.
· Give my regards to …
· Lots of Love
· Regards
· Thinking of you
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Formal Letters
Dear Sir or Madam ààààà Yours faithfully
Dear Ms Waters ààààà Yours sincerely
Use a formal tone: this affects your choice of vocabulary and grammar. For example, the first text below would not be appropriate in a formal letter, whereas the second would be:
I saw some stuff in your mag about activities for kids and I just wanna say that the activities in this town suck. I mean what are we supposed to do in the evenings?
Dear Sir or Madam
With regard to your recent feature on leisure activities for young people, I would like to make a few suggestions. Firstly, there is a clear shortage of playing fields with the result that many children play football in the road, which is dangerous. Secondly, …
NOTE: You should not use short forms (e.g. don’t, won’t, isn’t) in a formal letter.
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can anybuddy give me an idea wat to write on the topic a scene at a hairdresser's salon
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a bad idea though ....vixitd many tymx buh ma tchr says u shud include sum incident not the random info :p
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can anybuddy give me an idea wat to write on the topic a scene at a hairdresser's salon
You could turn it into a funny incident where you ended up getting a bad haircut- or even worse- bad highlights. That happened to me once :/
Yeah, so you could include all these funny descriptions about how it looked and what your reaction was and how you felt. you could also say that the hairdresser tried to pass it off as trendy or something and that everyone made a huge joke out of it.
If you dont want to make a fool out of yourself, you can try writing as spectator- in third person :)
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You could turn it into a funny incident where you ended up getting a bad haircut- or even worse- bad highlights. That happened to me once :/
Yeah, so you could include all these funny descriptions about how it looked and what your reaction was and how you felt. you could also say that the hairdresser tried to pass it off as trendy or something and that everyone made a huge joke out of it.
If you dont want to make a fool out of yourself, you can try writing as spectator- in third person :)
though the composition's complt n i wrote excatly wat u told buh still thanx :)