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english literature students! guide me please.

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I want soemone to comment on my answer so that i may improve my answers in english literature, the exam is on monday and i have studied it privately therefore i need guidance.i'll be so glad if somebody read it and point out my mistakes and tell me how can i improve it.
Its my answer of oct/nov 2011 paper 11 form drama section, ''MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING''
the questions was Q- How does Shakespeare make this moment such a powerfully emotional moment in the play?

This moment is particularly emotional because it describes the feeling of a father for her daughter, who has been wrongly slandered by claudio and don pedro on the very day of her wedding ceremony.At the wedding day of claudio and hero, claudio refused her owing to her disgraced nature and left the hall with don pedro and don john. After being wrongly accused, Hero stands still because she is heavily heartbroken by this. This fact is confirmed when beatrice says,'' dead, i think.Help,uncle!Hero!uncle!signior benedick!friar!''
beatrice gets so worried on the situation of hero wo stands like she's dead. Viewers here are being greatly sympathised with Hero, being falsely accused. the use of sign of exclamations shows her surprise and helplessness at the situation.
the moment is particualry mada emotional by the speech of leonato regarding her daughter,Hero. leonato feels so embarressed becaus ehe thinks that the shame which his daughter has brought to him can only be covered by her death. he wishes she could die becaus ethe shame is unable to be endured. he says, ''wherefore!why dith not every earthly thing cry shame upon her?could she here deny the story that is printed in her blood? don not live here,do not open thine eyes''. his words explicity convey his freifs and wrath for her daughter. though he is her father but the severe damage that she has done to her modesty is unbearable for him before the two princes,claudio and don pedro and he wishes she could die so her shame can be covered. leonato is further gloomy on the factthat he has only one child and that child whom he loved like everything brought him such infamy. He questions, ''why'', making viewrs to sympathise with him at his trivial situation. leonato desperatelt questions why he had such a child and not that of a any begger's child who could be better than her. he recounts the love he had for her daughter, Hero and what she paid to him in return. His words describe his feelings of intense pain and lament, ''valuing of her-why is fallen into a pit of inlk, that the wide sea hath drops too few to wash''. these words of leonato, spoken either out of anger or out of severe sorrow,reveals leonato's regret about hero being his daughter who had fallen into a pit of shame. A shame which is so great to be covered even by a big sea.He is basically telling about her modesty which can't be regained after such disgrace.
On the other hand when beatrice says she wasn't with hero last night, lenoato takes it as a further prove against his daughter's disgrace. this shows how little trust he had for her daughter. He hs been so much influenced by the accusations of claudio and don pedro that he is unable to see his daughter's vituousness. Viewers get somehow angry over leonato who in a state of emotions can't see exactly what's right and wrong. just after leonato stops condemning hero,friar speaks out about her modesty which he had been observing for a time by looking at her blushes and paleness as he says,'' By noting of the lady i have mark'd thousands blushing apparitions To start into her face, a thousand innocent shames''.
Friar's words, speaking in favor of hero,makes a quiet satisfying moment because they are now getting cloeer to truth. but leonato, a hard nut to crack , still blames her daughter for her disgrace. upon a question from Friar, hero reveals her obliviousness about the man with whom she is accussed. She is fully broken that she is unable to prove herself, though she asks for a punishment if she has done something wrong, '' Refuse me,hate me,torture me to death'',this revels her obedient nature and viewers get so much emotional by empathising with hero. this makes the moment more emotional owing to willingness in accepting the torture that she even doesn't deserve.
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I want soemone to comment on my answer so that i may improve my answers in english literature, the exam is on monday and i have studied it privately therefore i need guidance.i'll be so glad if somebody read it and point out my mistakes and tell me how can i improve it.
Its my answer of oct/nov 2011 paper 11 form drama section, ''MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING''
the questions was Q- How does Shakespeare make this moment such a powerfully emotional moment in the play?
Firstly I think The Question is wrong Cux The answer is all about Hero Being Accused by Claudio so the Question must be like " How Does Shakespeare make the Hero Being accused Moment such Powerfull in the play.
The answer is correct But You should Keep it on a recommended length cux in Exam Paper u wont have much space and time to write all this.. Cut out some word's from it in order to reduce it's length. Hey I will give u the Much ado Guide That I posted for Sale....
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thanks a lot. :) but the question was how this moment is made powerfully emotional that's why i emphasied on her wrong accusation and feelings of leonato which makes it emotional. Also i included the reaction of viewers is it a good idea??how many marks do you think i can get out of 25? :(
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thanks a lot. :) but the question was how this moment is made powerfully emotional that's why i emphasied on her wrong accusation and feelings of leonato which makes it emotional. Also i included the reaction of viewers is it a good idea??how many marks do you think i can get out of 25? :(
Hmm... 22 .. Cux u write a lot :D
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hey tell me one thing more when we quote a line from the text what should we do to make it prominent? i mean inverted commas are enough or should we use a marker or write em with some distance???
Commas Are enough.. U r not goin in any art Exam..:p :D
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Firstly I think The Question is wrong Cux The answer is all about Hero Being Accused by Claudio so the Question must be like " How Does Shakespeare make the Hero Being accused Moment such Powerfull in the play.
The answer is correct But You should Keep it on a recommended length cux in Exam Paper u wont have much space and time to write all this.. Cut out some word's from it in order to reduce it's length. Hey I will give u the Much ado Guide That I posted for Sale....

we have enough time in exams....time does not pose a threat in lit exam..
my answers come out quite big but still half an hour is left by the time i finish