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English Literature

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I have been struggling with this subject for a long time.
I don't know if its my mentality in approaching everything in some kind of logical way but
without giving you my life story
i would just like to talk to someone who get consistent A*'s in literature who is not particularly a linguist in the sense that they enjoy sciences more
and please just shed how... HOW... it is possible to get an A* in literature
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I am not "that" good at it.... But you need to be a book's worm I guess not necessarily if you have good vocab and imagination power.... What grade you got in the school exams in this specific subject? Is that too bad that you are worried...
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Relax :)

I know how you feel. Although I've always enjoyed reading and writing and English as a subject, I'm haven't been particularly enjoying it this year.
We're doing the poetry Songs of Ourselves, or something like that, Death of a Salesman for drama and The Great Gatsby for prose (which is a horrible book and I can honestly tell you I don't know half the things that Fitzgerald says in that). However, I do get good grades, Alhamdullillah :)

In essay writing, the key is to break the question into parts, and focus on what the examiner actually WANTS.
Then, the most crucial part is to PLAN and structure your essay. Pick key points and make sure they are something you can confidently write about. I'd say pick about 5 solid points. Gather your evidence, i.e. quotes. And develop.

Try becoming a bit emotional and sensitive; get a feeeeel for the text, what the author is trying to say.
Sometimes, it can be utterly absurd, but if it gets the marks then, hey, no harm :p

Really delve deep into the text. Don't look at the surface, go behind the meanings of the words.
And don't keep writing; you'll waste your time. Make sure the quantity comes with quality :)

Other than that, I can say I've had my fair share of struggles through Lit.
We were doing the coursework component and, well, though we all managed to get flying marks, it was TORTURE! We had to do 10 billion re-drafts, and we were told to do different things by different teachers... We were eating, sleeping, drinking (even talking) English :)
It was worth it in the end.

Now, 25% of our marks for Lit. are done (cuz of coursework).

We have our Paper 1 Open Book exam on the 16th, with 2 other exams, Physics - Paper 1 and Math - Paper 4. Joy.

So, good luck.

Just study hard, make sure you know your texts, a little at least, and have them read at least 5 times before entering the examination hall :)