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English P1

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Hey Guyz!!!!
I am a little weak at paragraphing and planning my compositions and i want to beef up my vocabulary..... Any Suggestions????
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okay here's what I did, I practiced more and more. First I chose a topic for essay and letter, used the internet to complete the assignment. In this way my vocab got MUCH better. I know it sounds weird at first, But believe me it works! :)
Hope this helps :)
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For better paragraphing my tip is to organize the paras according to the topic in each para for intance
1st para--->Introduction to the topic
2nd and 3rd--->Body (arguments or opinion)
last para---->Summary of all points (conclusion)
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Hey, I've got some tips for you considering I'm pretty good at English.
Your first problem is that you've got problems in making paragraphs.
Okay, firstly - you must remember that in English, you don't HAVE to have three paragraphs. Infact, if you're writing an essay of four hundred words, you can have as many as six paragraphs in it. If you can have a perfect amount of paragraphs, you'll get bonus marks for presentation, which does count.
Here's what you must do for your first para:
1.Make sure you use eye-candy words and attract people. Many people read the first few lines and already judge the entire text simply by the first paragraph. You've heard of the saying 'The first impression is the last.' This goes for your exams too. The first paragraph counts the most.
You want to make it a spiral; start off with something that isn't exactly related, and then close in. If you've got to talk about technology, start off with something like 'Back when humanity had just dawned, it took a lot of time to do many tasks such as hunting.' You can see it isn't related to technology, but it's the beginning of a spiral. Now you want to close into the topic with something such as 'However! With advancing technology, humanity has gone from slingshots to bows and arrows, to our modern hunting rifles.'
Just be sure to add some material to it.
If your first paragraph is interesting, the reader's boredom will evaporate and he'll be excited to read your topic. He'll already EXPECT a good essay.
2.Don't make it too short and don't make it too long. This is very very important. You want to keep it at an average size.
3.Make sure that in the entire paragraph, the FINAL sentence is the one in which you tighten your fist on the topic. For example:'But the question that stands is whether or not this technology is helping humanity.'

Your second paragraph should mark the beginning of your material. You NEED material to input into your essay. That's a really important thing. You need to know quite a bit about your topic to be able to write on it.

You should try to make each paragraph at least eight lines long. But don't take this as a restriction; you should talk about at least one thing completely in one paragraph. If, in regards to technology, you're talking about computers, then the whole paragraph should be about computers and you shouldn't start talking about machinery in it. Nor should you cut it off and start a new paragraph talking about the same thing.

Your final paragraph should contain your judgement.

And if you want to be good at English, you have to simply make yourself such that you don't NEED to plan your compositions. For that, read books and newspapers. There's lots of choices at books; biographies, horror novels, crime thrillers, or social novels.