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Every Pakistani and Muslim Please Do Read This...

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***amd*** well i am glad you are spreading the news about the Illuminati but some of this information is somewhat false. I would recommend watching the YouTube channel of ''Xendrius''. He has in depth collection of knowledge about the Illuminati and their future plans.

This documentary is not mine, but I just want to say that I have now left the curiosity for all about this. Cuz even on internet many sites are having such content that "All the media is in control of Jews", so I would like to say here that isn't this internet included n media! Yes we can take help for religious cases from our Holy Quran authentic books of Hadith by Imams, but with my view internet is of no use for such investigations and researches.
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***amd*** well i am glad you are spreading the news about the Illuminati but some of this information is somewhat false. I would recommend watching the YouTube channel of ''Xendrius''. He has in depth collection of knowledge about the Illuminati and their future plans.

I recommend you "The Arrivals" and "Azaad Pakistan" episode 2. May be you're right. just reply with a link.
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This documentary is not mine, but I just want to say that I have now left the curiosity for all about this. Cuz even on internet many sites are having such content that "All the media is in control of Jews", so I would like to say here that isn't this internet included n media! Yes we can take help for religious cases from our Holy Quran authentic books of Hadith by Imams, but with my view internet is of no use for such investigations and researches.

No Bro, it makes a difference because Internet is in control but not that much tightly. Any revolution raised here need months to be controlled. I'll tell you the whole system next time we meet.
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I recommend you "The Arrivals" and "Azaad Pakistan" episode 2. May be you're right. just reply with a link.
I have already seen the Arrivals twice. They provide base knowledge like O levels but our own extensive research would be like A levels or University level. Xendrius combines the base level as well as advanced research into the matter of the Illuminati. Do check out their channel before its gets removed due to ''copyright issues''.
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Assalamu Alaikum! Nice and good awareness! But if you want something really mind-blowing(the REAL mind blowing) i recommend you all to watch a documentary called " THE ARRIVALS ". it opened my eyes honestly! It is a Noreagaaa Production, Associated with Achernahr films. Watch all of it and you'll be totally SURPRISED!!