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Facebook has become a stalker's heaven =/

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I told you kid , it would have been better if you hadn't started to impose your thoughts in the first place. Remember i told you to stay indifferent . And you told me thati was a .... whatever it is you said i was... . Anyway , think twice before starting a discussion like this .

First of. Stop with the 'kid' talk. Cut if off. You're being the kid here not me. Why should I 'not' put forward my thoughts? Whose implementing anything here? They're all just opinions if you'd have used a little something of what we know as a brain you'd understand. Stay indifferent? You're indifferent? Not caring? Just living your own life? I said, I'll try. Try to change others. I summed it all up in a post earlier, you seem not to understand.
I don't have to think twice. This discussion proved to be useful to many. Unlike some of you, who put forward their egos and think 'there isn't a bright future', 'nothing's gonna change.'
I think different.
And again, the purpose of this post was NOT to trigger any fights but to DISCUSS an issue we're dealing with. Ofcoarse you don't seem to take it as an issue or something worth mentioning.
We think we can end it. You don't. End of story.
Have I made myself clear? (=

P.S, any mod can lock the topic now. Any further discussions are worthless. :)

Peace Out!
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@Epiphany: Sorry to interrupt but the words which are 'inappropriate' are deleted from your message.
@All (specially multixamza): Arguments are strictly 'not' allowed so please stop it. No one is 'imposing' anything here. Just views, don't like them? don't bother replying.
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well i think the best defense against stalking on Facebook , is to privatize your profile!