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Facebook:The Hidden Danger

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badrobot14 Sir, I thank thee for supporting me! :) It has been a while since I last wrote something in a thread. I am a quite member here and usually don't talk much. But I have influenced a lot of members here with my words which I simply take it as a blessing of Allah. You are right that sometimes we help others to get praises but I never did that. I joined xpc mainly due to the fact that I saw members being ignored when they ask questions. You see, I had a friend named 2pac (now gone) who used to post questions in the threads but no one used to give any importance to him. People helped the members who were more regarded to be "popular" and I took it as my charge to help these ignored ones an answer them. Then popular ones recognised me and praised me but I was never influenced by their words, I took it as my duty as to help everyone... not value someone with popularity or followers or likes. As you can see I have a few followers and I never even value them over other members... everyone is same to me and everyone deserves my assistance. That's what I believe. You see when my father used to do his MPH program abroad he used to help his fellow Pakistani classmates, they used to be jealous of him and always used to make fun of him and used to call him inferior because of him coming from Bangladesh but that never backed him down from helping them. They also used to come to him at the end of the day for help. At the end, my father achieved the first division first at his University with him being the only Bangladeshi there. And he too said that all he wanted to prove that Bangladeshis are not inferior and he wanted to show all the other students from other parts of the world that one day we will rise... That inspired me to be the person I am today. I know I don't possess the brains of my father but I do have the ability of helping others no matter what even after that person being my friend or foe. But I must confess my father is an unreligious man and that's why I want to correct the mistakes of my father and also too do something good for this world. :)

FeLiX zoe I do appreciate the person you are miss, I am glad our personalities do match a lot!!! People like me are very very rare and that's why I am more regarded as an outcast by my friends and abnormal by my parents. But I will remember that there is another person like me in this world which will influence me to make a difference! And do remember it is the different people who actually comes up with something new so never lose hope, :D my father said to stop dreaming big as I got no caliber... he is really disappointed with me as I let him down but I am a person who knows no limitations. Thank you all I am currently suffering from depression after my poor result even after being a good student so I need the blessings of my friends here as you all are currently the only ones who can understand what I am going through. I lost all my confidence and it will take some time getting it back! So thank you once more...

Well Jazakallah brother ...but let me tell u something never ever give up! Never let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game! show everyone you can do it !! Low marks is a prat of every ones life i mean u cannot be at the top every time :) u maybe an expert at something else sbring ur talents into light and show ur father what u can :)
Pray to Allah for help only He can help you !!
watever it is remember bro this is via internet so not really good to share ur personal life here :( any problem u have and u need some help u can ask us through pm ...u want some eeman booster or some advice InshaAllah brother badrobot14 can help you.... :)
SOrry brother no offence intended i just wrote wat i felt coz trusting the net is not really a safe game coz i know people who have experienced it :(

SOrry for going off topic :)
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FeLiX zoe
Your article is really touching and moving. 'Facebook' is a big problem of the modern age. Students getting low grades, diverting attention, family and relation problems, feeling more depressed and stressed are all the results of it. It also involves communication,appropriate social behaviour,presenting one's image,and issues around freedom of expressions. Teens say that they know what they are doing. They believe facebook is not doing anything to them. And in the end,when they end up with something bad,they realise that it was due to it. Teenagers can now secretly do and talk to anyone they want without any fear. And this thing is creating a lot of problems. I've really appreciated your work ( FeLiX zoe ) . Someone had to come up with this topic. Many of them already did and I have came across many of such discussions. Its just people won't understand the fact unless they experience it and ends up with something bad. Getting over the addiction is tough but one should keep trying. Get into other physical activities, get your laptop some rest. Life is way more beautiful and better when you go out.
And Felix, you don't need to be depressed. Don't lose hope. Everything happens for a reason. Work hard and keep on trying :) Allah for sure has something great for you. :) All the best and great work :)
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Asalam0Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu!
FeLiX zoe, JazakAllah Khairan for posting an extremely significant topic...Wallahi, I feel like liking the post a million times. Facebook has such hideous effects....its existence is something so confined and dark. I am truly thankful to Allah SWT for keeping me away from this disgusting site...i've never once signed up on it. I hope that this post will make many other Muslims deactivate from this site. A'ameen. :)
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ExoticPlayer09 and Warrior66 Jazakallah both of you :)
What you have said is soo ture that is the main reason for this article ..though it was just a copy pasted article ...
You people motivate me alot Inshaallah i will create more threads like this one to help all the teens not just Muslims
May Allah guide us all on the straight path and May we all die as Muslims.
Allah is our source of help, may He accept our work done for His sake.
La hawla wala Quwata illa billah :)
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ExoticPlayer09 and Warrior66 Jazakallah both of you :)
What you have said is soo ture that is the main reason for this article ..though it was just a copy pasted article ...
You people motivate me alot Inshaallah i will create more threads like this one to help all the teens not just Muslims
May Allah guide us all on the straight path and May we all die as Muslims.
Allah is our source of help, may He accept our work done for His sake.
La hawla wala Quwata illa billah :)
The main reason was to convey the message which you did, doesn't matter who wrote it :)
And please, write 'A' capital in 'inshaAllah' :)
Ameen, He indeed it. Ameen
JazakAllah :)
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Nice article... (y) FeLiX zoe
Well I don't have facebook nd I'm only the one in my whole section who don't have facebook in my school...when some one asks from me do u have facebook in ...when I say no...
They say how are u existing ?...Wallahi...
I say as every human do... Even though I don't dramas nor I've ever watched movies in my life other than cartoon movies...nor listened songs other than nasheeds...When I say I don't do any of these ...they all get stunned and surprise sometimes they stare at me as I'm not a normal humanbeing...
even though there is nothing to be stunned...
They all have got addicted to facebook and other things so much that they even don't get time to study...
May Allah make difficulties easy for us :) Ameen
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Quite informative at it. But tell me honestly, how many of us will quit using facebook after reading this? A very small ratio, excluding me.
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can't help people who are not convinced!

'..who are not convinced' ? The purpose of this post was to convince people regarding the consequences, mainly negative, of using facebook. If the viewers aren't convinced, the post loses it's meaning, dear. Perhaps, you meant to say '..who aren't ready to help themselves' -Peace.
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'..who are not convinced' ? The purpose of this post was to convince people regarding the consequences, mainly negative, of using facebook. If the viewers aren't convinced, the post loses it's meaning, dear. Perhaps, you meant to say '..who aren't ready to help themselves' -Peace.
No, I meant 'people who aren't convinced'. The post doesn't lose it's value. How can it be so, when the people don't understand it the way they are supposed to? It is much better to avoid something that could be harmful, than to continue, thinking you can control yourself.
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No, I meant 'people who aren't convinced'. The post doesn't lose it's value. How can it be so, when the people don't understand it the way they are supposed to? It is much better to avoid something that could be harmful, than to continue, thinking you can control yourself.

When people don't understand something the way it should've been understood, it might not be an issue with their thinking, but the way the things are being explained, maybe they weren't 'convincing' enough.
I second you that it is much better to avoid something that may cause harm in the long-run, but then again, that's also sort of dillusional, since most people are going to do those things anyway. So the whole point of raising awareness goes down the drain.
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ALHAMDULLILLAH Allah has kept me away from facebook..all my frnds encouraged me badly..but i never felt like joining..JazakAlah sis..u increased the confidence in the decision i made..Awsome thread..many shoul read it..
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ALHAMDULLILLAH Allah has kept me away from facebook..all my frnds encouraged me badly..but i never felt like joining..JazakAlah sis..u increased the confidence in the decision i made..Awsome thread..many shoul read it..
lhamdulila bro dont go into it ....trust me u've taken the best decision :) May Allah reward you more and more :)