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Golden Points....

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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!!
Dear sisters and brothers in Faith!
Sometimes people get hopeless and forget the beautiful steps of life through which they can improve their lives. They blame others for their own flaws and forget to look at themselves. We can make our lives a blessed one by good manners and ethics. These are some GOLDEN POINTS through which we can start enjoying our lives...

1- The hero is the one who goes beyond his ability to improve his skills, until he becomes able to improve, and perhaps even alter , the skill of others...

2- Your skill of dealing with others determine how they deal with you.

3- When you climb a mountain, look to the top and not to the rocks that surround you. Make sure of where you step as you climb, and do not leap in case you loose your footing...(think about this)

4-Success is not to discover what others like, it is to acquire and practise the skills that help one gain their love.

5-Do not earn wealth and lose people, for earning people is a way to earning wealth.

6- With gentleness and interpersonal skills, we can acheive our objectives.

7- Instead of cursing the Darkness, TRY to fix the Lamp.

8- Perhaps just a smile at a poor man would raise you in rank in the sight of Allah.
9-Treat people humanely, irrespective of their appearance,wealth and status.

10- Our ability to capture people's hearts and win their love will bring us great happiness in life.

11-Purify your intention so that your interpersonal skills can turn into acts of worship, with which you can draw closer to Allah.

12-Do not think that people are of a similar nature. Rather, they differ tremendously.

13-Talk about what others like to hear, not what you like to relate.

14-Every man has a key to his heart, and knowing his personality assists in identifying the right key to open it.

15- Ill temper+ Ill temper= FIREWORKS!!

16- Deal with hearts, not bodies.

17-Display your emotions.

18-If you are ever forced to comment on something bad, such as a dirt on a garment or a bad odour, then do so tactfully. Be clever and kind while doing so.

19-You can always eat honey without demolishing the bee-hive. (Meaning- You can always advice without hurting a person's ego)
20- Be like a bee that seeks out the scent and ignores the filth.
Do not be like a fly that seeks out bloody wounds...

Hope we take a step forward to happiness in our lives by acting upon these
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Ma sha Allah! That's really beautiful. One of the best i read so far. Thanks for the tag sissy. Keep tagging me in such threads. =) Have a nice day

my pleasure my sweety sister.....
I will....inshallah...
same goes to u tooo....
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!!
Dear sisters and brothers in Faith!
Sometimes people get hopeless and forget the beautiful steps of life through which they can improve their lives. They blame others for their own flaws and forget to look at themselves. We can make our lives a blessed one by good manners and ethics. These are some GOLDEN POINTS through which we can start enjoying our lives...

1- The hero is the one who goes beyond his ability to improve his skills, until he becomes able to improve, and perhaps even alter , the skill of others...

2- Your skill of dealing with others determine how they deal with you.

3- When you climb a mountain, look to the top and not to the rocks that surround you. Make sure of where you step as you climb, and do not leap in case you loose your footing...(think about this)

4-Success is not to discover what others like, it is to acquire and practise the skills that help one gain their love.

5-Do not earn wealth and lose people, for earning people is a way to earning wealth.

6- With gentleness and interpersonal skills, we can acheive our objectives.

7- Instead of cursing the Darkness, TRY to fix the Lamp.

8- Perhaps just a smile at a poor man would raise you in rank in the sight of Allah.
9-Treat people humanely, irrespective of their appearance,wealth and status.

10- Our ability to capture people's hearts and win their love will bring us great happiness in life.

11-Purify your intention so that your interpersonal skills can turn into acts of worship, with which you can draw closer to Allah.

12-Do not think that people are of a similar nature. Rather, they differ tremendously.

13-Talk about what others like to hear, not what you like to relate.

14-Every man has a key to his heart, and knowing his personality assists in identifying the right key to open it.

15- Ill temper+ Ill temper= FIREWORKS!!

16- Deal with hearts, not bodies.

17-Display your emotions.

18-If you are ever forced to comment on something bad, such as a dirt on a garment or a bad odour, then do so tactfully. Be clever and kind while doing so.

19-You can always eat honey without demolishing the bee-hive. (Meaning- You can always advice without hurting a person's ego)
20- Be like a bee that seeks out the scent and ignores the filth.
Do not be like a fly that seeks out bloody wounds...

Hope we take a step forward to happiness in our lives by acting upon these
love it its amazing thnx for the tag