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I have written this main theme of Ayat-ul-Kursi but iam not satisfied.I think its too lenghty.....so i would really appreciate it if someone could mark it for me out of four and comment on it. I want to know if I have missed any point and what points I have mentioned that are not necessary......Thankz in advance...:)
The central idea of this surah revolves around the unity and oneness of Allah, His uniqueness, His omniscience and omnipotence who is tho One and Only and is from forever and will remain for forever. He has created everything and has full knowledge of what He has created and only some of it is revealed to His creations. He is the most superior of all although He may grant superiority to His creations among themselves. His omniscience is signified by His throne that extends over the Heavens and the Earth which He alone guards and preserves along with everything contained in them and doesnot get tired in doing so and therefore doesnot require rest or sleep. Verily, He is the most supreme of all and is incomparable to anything that exists.
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Here you go. I've sort of summarized and edited your answer. I think this should be fine. :)

This verse (Ayat-al-Kursi) builds upon the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah in Himself, specifically revolving around the unity and oneness of Allah, His uniqueness, omniscience and omnipotence who is eternal and absolute. He has created everything and has full knowledge of everything, whereas His creations only possess a fraction of this knowledge. His omniscience is signified by His throne extending over the Heavens and the Earth which He alone guards and preserves, and does not get tired or require rest or sleep while doing so. Verily, He is the most supreme and is incomparable to anything in existence, because of the difference between The Creator and His Creations.

Remember to mention the main theme of the Surah, AND the name of the Surah (or Ayat, in this case), in order to gain full marks. Your answer shouldn't sound redundant, so avoid repeating points you've already established.
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Here you go. I've sort of summarized and edited your answer. I think this should be fine. :)

This verse (Ayat-al-Kursi) builds upon the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah in Himself, specifically revolving around the unity and oneness of Allah, His uniqueness, omniscience and omnipotence who is eternal and absolute. He has created everything and has full knowledge of everything, whereas His creations only possess a fraction of this knowledge. His omniscience is signified by His throne extending over the Heavens and the Earth which He alone guards and preserves, and does not get tired or require rest or sleep while doing so. Verily, He is the most supreme and is incomparable to anything in existence, because of the difference between The Creator and His Creations.

Remember to mention the main theme of the Surah, AND the name of the Surah (or Ayat, in this case), in order to gain full marks. Your answer shouldn't sound redundant, so avoid repeating points you've already established.
thanx that really helped....
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Actually u have written well n I don't think thats too lengthy. Just add a relevant reference for perfect score.
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Try to avoid using words from the passage and try to use your own words as far as possible
The answer is just perfect by length.