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HELP NEEDED IN-Quran,hadith as a source of Islamic law.

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I've seriously worked very hard for this topic/question but I STILL DON'T GET IT! I donot know how to answer paper 1 QUESTION TWO. I know its v.v important but I don't know how to start off and what will I write next ESPECIALLY in these kind of questions. Actually Im appearing for private islamiyat paper this october and Im literally screwed! I don't think that Ive worked hard enough and I have NO EXPECTATIONS from my self at all! PLEEEEASE HELP ME! IM IN PROBLEM AND PRAY FOR MEE TO GET AN A* Cause I can't give retake papers over and over again! =''(
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I've seriously worked very hard for this topic/question but I STILL DON'T GET IT! I donot know how to answer paper 1 QUESTION TWO. I know its v.v important but I don't know how to start off and what will I write next ESPECIALLY in these kind of questions. Actually Im appearing for private islamiyat paper this october and Im literally screwed! I don't think that Ive worked hard enough and I have NO EXPECTATIONS from my self at all! PLEEEEASE HELP ME! IM IN PROBLEM AND PRAY FOR MEE TO GET AN A* Cause I can't give retake papers over and over again! =''(
Calm down and don't worry temme which attempt u r taking?? probably the oct/nov one.. As far as I know this is a relatively easy question u just have to describe the importance of Ahadis in context of Islamic law. Since I don't understand what u r trying to ask so I can't help u much it's better if u post that what u don't grasp about this topic !!
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Yes Im appearing in this oct/nov session. Actually I need help in "Hadith as a source of Islamic law." I don't know what quranic and hadith quotes should I use. If you can please arrange or make me understand this question , how am I going to answer it and what examples am i gonna use, It'll be a GREAT help to me!
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I've seriously worked very hard for this topic/question but I STILL DON'T GET IT! I donot know how to answer paper 1 QUESTION TWO. I know its v.v important but I don't know how to start off and what will I write next ESPECIALLY in these kind of questions. Actually Im appearing for private islamiyat paper this october and Im literally screwed! I don't think that Ive worked hard enough and I have NO EXPECTATIONS from my self at all! PLEEEEASE HELP ME! IM IN PROBLEM AND PRAY FOR MEE TO GET AN A* Cause I can't give retake papers over and over again! =''(
Paper 1's question two is History, Importance and Compilation of Qur'an.
Paper 2's question two is History, Importance and Compilation of Ahadith.
Which one are you talking about?
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Paper 1's question two is History, Importance and Compilation of Qur'an.
Paper 2's question two is History, Importance and Compilation of Ahadith.
Which one are you talking about?
She's talking about the Ahadith portion !
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Here you go. :) This answer is pretty good.

Q: Discuss the authority of Hadith as a source of Islamic law. [10]

Ans: Hadith is counted as the second source of Islamic law. It is used in a very wide sense as including not only the decisions and percepts of the Prophet[SW], but also his conduct and practice. It explains and completes the Quran. The Prophet's[SW] conduct formed an important source of law as it was accepted as an inspired and binding authority.
Justification of Hadith as a source of Islamic law is evident from the Quran and prophethood of Muhammad[SW].
There are many verses in the Quran which justify Hadith as a source of Islamic law. Some of these are: "He who obeys the Prophet, obeys Allah." [4:80] and "For you, the life of the Prophet has got model of behavior." [33:20]
The Prophet[SW] declared: "Behold! I have been given the Book, and a similar thing (Sunnah) along with that." He also said: "My words are not contrary to the words of God, but words of God can contradict mine."
The whole superstructure of Sunnah and Hadith is based on the verses of the Quran revealed gradually during a period of 22 years, 5 months and 14 days. The following instances illustrate how these two parts, i.e. Quran and Hadith, interplay and function for the purpose of legislation. The meaning of Quran is general; Hadith makes it specific and particular. The Hadith may add and supplement the legal provisions of the Quran. The Quranic injunctions are implicit; Hadith makes them explicit by providing essential ingredients and details. Hadith qualifies the absolute declarations of the Quran. The Quran says that the hands of the thief are to be cut off. The Prophet[SW] qualified this injunction with the condition that the person should not be a lunatic etc.
Hadith makes certain exceptions to the general rules as laid down by the Quran. The Quran makes a declaration in general that one may bequeath ones property by will, in the manner one likes. Hadith has created the exception that one cannot make a will in favor of one's legal heirs.
Hadith is a very significant and important source of Islamic law, without which the Holy Quran cannot be understood at all. In the words of the Quran, the relationship of the Quran and Hadith is that of "Book, and light".
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For Paper 2, Q2, you should know this stuff:
- Collection of Ahadith during the Prophet's lifetime.
- Collection of Ahadith after the Prophet's death.
- Teachings about individual conduct.
- Teachings about communal life.
- Ahadith as a source of Islamic law.
- Methods to check authenticity of Ahadith.
- How ahadith are used, together with the Quran, for the purpose of legislation.
- Ijma.
- Qiyas.
- Main features of the books of Ahadith. [FNM mein hai, saara kuch].

I think you should study the chapter in Farkhanda Noor's book, first of all. After that, study the chapter on "Hadith of the Holy Prophet[SW]" in David R Thomas' book. For the questions on Communal life and individual conduct, refer to David R Thomas' book: pages 154 to 161 [New edition]. Also, read the mark schemes and examiner reports, AT LEAST, 2009+.

Also, I've found this rather useful. http://www.cambridgestudents.org.uk...hecklist_for_O_Level_Islamiyat_2058_FINAL.pdf

Remember: Details, factual accuracy, numericals, quotations and, in some cases, reference numbers are what turn A's into A*s. Good luck!
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For Paper 2, Q2, you should know this stuff:
- Collection of Ahadith during the Prophet's lifetime.
- Collection of Ahadith after the Prophet's death.
- Teachings about individual conduct.
- Teachings about communal life.
- Ahadith as a source of Islamic law.
- Methods to check authenticity of Ahadith.
- How ahadith are used, together with the Quran, for the purpose of legislation.
- Ijma.
- Qiyas.
- Main features of the books of Ahadith. [FNM mein hai, saara kuch].

I think you should study the chapter in Farkhanda Noor's book, first of all. After that, study the chapter on "Hadith of the Holy Prophet[SW]" in David R Thomas' book. For the questions on Communal life and individual conduct, refer to David R Thomas' book: pages 154 to 161 [New edition]. Also, read the mark schemes and examiner reports, AT LEAST, 2009+.

Also, I've found this rather useful. http://www.cambridgestudents.org.uk...hecklist_for_O_Level_Islamiyat_2058_FINAL.pdf

Remember: Details, factual accuracy, numericals, quotations and, in some cases, reference numbers are what turn A's into A*s. Good luck!

Btw is it necessary to mention reference nos.? I didn't learn them yet. 0_0 . Can you please mention proper quranic quotations with the quotes of the prophet to justify your answer maybe? Just 2 to 3 quotes . I've read Farkhanda Noor's whole book as well as the Iftikhar ul HAq's one. The problem is that they've not mentioned proper quotations.
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Try to memorize as many reference numbers as you possibly can, especially those related to highly significant events. I've already justified my answer with two Quranic quotes and two quotes of the Prophet[SW]. David R Thomas' book is pretty important, too.
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Hello there, Mahnoor.
First of all, calm down. You're going to screw your whole paper with such nervousness!

Now, I'm also appearing in Islamiat in the Oct session, and no I'm not retaking it, it's my first. As for the question, I don't find it a hard one.. but then again, I might find something else hard that of which you don't. So here goes my attempt at explaining how the Hadith can be used to derive the Islamic laws.

The first and foremost source of Islamic law is, most definitely, the Quran. It is the word of Allah, therefore nothing can compass it's knowledge and wisdom. So whenever a law is to be derived the Quran is first considered. However there come situations and queries which either the Quran talks about slightly or does not talk at all. In such cases, Hadith and sunnah of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) are considered. The hadith either explain something that hasn't been fully explained in the Quran, or which the Quran remains silent about. To explain this point, we can quote various examples here. Some of them could include Salah and Zakah. Quran puts alot of emphasis on the performance of the regular prayers and the payment of the poor due(Zakah), but it does not necessarily tell us how many rakah's of Salah are to be performed, or how much Zakah is to be paid. The number of rakah's and the amount of Zakah (nisab) is known to us through the hadith/sunnah of the Holy Prophet, what he did and said. Also silent approval of the Prophet(pbuh) regarding different matters can be considered. Silent approval is the things Prophet(pbuh) did neither approve or disapprove. But since these things were happening infront of his eyes, and he did not stop them, we consider them permitted. So we can say that Hadith further explains what is there in the Quran, or adds something to it.

I hope that this clarifies the question for you. Above, some people have mentioned various examples which you could put in to illustrate your point while attempting this question.
Good Luck! :)
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Hello there, Mahnoor.
First of all, calm down. You're going to screw your whole paper with such nervousness!

Now, I'm also appearing in Islamiat in the Oct session, and no I'm not retaking it, it's my first. As for the question, I don't find it a hard one.. but then again, I might find something else hard that of which you don't. So here goes my attempt at explaining how the Hadith can be used to derive the Islamic laws.

The first and foremost source of Islamic law is, most definitely, the Quran. It is the word of Allah, therefore nothing can compass it's knowledge and wisdom. So whenever a law is to be derived the Quran is first considered. However there come situations and queries which either the Quran talks about slightly or does not talk at all. In such cases, Hadith and sunnah of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) are considered. The hadith either explain something that hasn't been fully explained in the Quran, or which the Quran remains silent about. To explain this point, we can quote various examples here. Some of them could include Salah and Zakah. Quran puts alot of emphasis on the performance of the regular prayers and the payment of the poor due(Zakah), but it does not necessarily tell us how many rakah's of Salah are to be performed, or how much Zakah is to be paid. The number of rakah's and the amount of Zakah (nisab) is known to us through the hadith/sunnah of the Holy Prophet, what he did and said. Also silent approval of the Prophet(pbuh) regarding different matters can be considered. Silent approval is the things Prophet(pbuh) did neither approve or disapprove. But since these things were happening infront of his eyes, and he did not stop them, we consider them permitted. So we can say that Hadith further explains what is there in the Quran, or adds something to it.

I hope that this clarifies the question for you. Above, some people have mentioned various examples which you could put in to illustrate your point while attempting this question.
Good Luck! :)
Thanks dude! Actually I've given these 2 examples already , I was just wandering if there are any other QURANIC VERSES AND HADITH for inheritance, marriage laws, penal laws, rights of slaves, women e.t.c
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What about use of hadith in all thought and action?
The use of quran in all thought and action? ANYONE with solid answers WITH QUOTES PLEASE! ;)
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Buy the Redspot Islamiat topical. It has very detailed answers on this question and lots of others.