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Hey guys, i gave my AS level and i got A's in physics, chemistry n maths.Need some suggestion.

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I have no idea which university to apply and what are their requirements. I have financial issue but what if i take student loan i want to study in Singapore (National University of Singapore) and take science in future. But i seriously dont know when to apply or how to apply. I am all on my own now guys please help. your suggestion can make a difference in my life. pls help
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I have no idea which university to apply and what are their requirements. I have financial issue but what if i take student loan i want to study in Singapore (National University of Singapore) and take science in future. But i seriously dont know when to apply or how to apply. I am all on my own now guys please help. your suggestion can make a difference in my life. pls help

i also want to know how many years i have to study in university? undergradute ? postgraduate ? i dont underrstand these in terms of years?
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u need more than 4 or 5 subjects to even compete for a place in NUS, its a tough university to get into. u might want to consider taking more subjects, or thinking about other universities too. A fabulous SAT score might help u though, not sure :/
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Can u tell other universities which can take me

If you have straight As in AS then make sure you try for NUS. its very tough to get into but as long as you get straight As then number of subjects doesnt matter too much, and lisa is right. try and get a high SAT score in SAT 1 and it will really be in your favour ;) also try to get atleast 2-3 recommendation letters written for you by ur counsellors/teachers.
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i personally knw a senior who scored 2 96's and 2 98's and still got rejected :/ but u can try ur luck :D plus if NUS is ur target try ur hands one Extra curricullar activities, specially olympiads. Anything exceptional might just get u through :D
the number of years of study varies from subject to subject and university to university. if could u tell us more about which subjects u are interested in i can be of more help. :)
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If you have straight As in AS then make sure you try for NUS. its very tough to get into but as long as you get straight As then number of subjects doesnt matter too much, and lisa is right. try and get a high SAT score in SAT 1 and it will really be in your favour ;) also try to get atleast 2-3 recommendation letters written for you by ur counsellors/teachers.

thanks a lot bro!! (Y)
Now that you have given me target SAT i want to know...
For NUS: How expensive can it be? can i apply for scholarships?
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i personally knw a senior who scored 2 96's and 2 98's and still got rejected :/ but u can try ur luck :D plus if NUS is ur target try ur hands one Extra curricullar activities, specially olympiads. Anything exceptional might just get u through :D
the number of years of study varies from subject to subject and university to university. if could u tell us more about which subjects u are interested in i can be of more help. :)

Thank you lisa!^_^
Physics is my most favorite subject then comes maths and chem.

Olympiads ? u mean RMO, IMO, IPho...? Its too tough and its way harder than A level. I just have less than a year...although i have some books n used to study from it. But it needs time n dedication which i dont have right now! im so screwed.Is there any other way?
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i personally knw a senior who scored 2 96's and 2 98's and still got rejected :/ but u can try ur luck :D plus if NUS is ur target try ur hands one Extra curricullar activities, specially olympiads. Anything exceptional might just get u through :D
the number of years of study varies from subject to subject and university to university. if could u tell us more about which subjects u are interested in i can be of more help. :)

Application matters more than grades/scores. I also have a friend who got rejected from MIT with a 2360 SAT 1 score. Universities don't want the highest scoring students only, they want high scoring students which keep balance in other activities! i'm sure u heard about ali moeen nawazish? he was in my school, roots and he graduated from cambridge. but did u know that he got rejected from oxford? ;) cause they said that this student has got great results but because he hasn't kept balance among his other activities he will never know properly in the future which field to pursue! so focus more on your recommendation letters and essays/personal statements... they are the keys to get you into a good uni.
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thanks a lot bro!! (Y)
Now that you have given me target SAT i want to know...
For NUS: How expensive can it be? can i apply for scholarships?

You should aim for atleast 2100+ in SAT 1. And since you're a science student you will have to give SAT 2 as well but for science students that is easy, there should be no prob getting 2000+ in SAT 2 comfortably! as far as NUS fees/financial aid inquiries are concerned go look at there website they will have all the info there http://www.nus.edu.sg/
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thanks a lot bro!! (Y)
Now that you have given me target SAT i want to know...
For NUS: How expensive can it be? can i apply for scholarships?

Also make sure you apply for the university within 1 year of you recieving your SAT score as some unis consider a SAT score older than 6 months/1 year an expired score! try to spend 2 months on SAT 1 minimum with atleast 20-30 past papers solved (1 past paper = 5 hours) and for SAT 2 one month is enough with occasional practice.