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History Questions!

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Was the two nation theory the most important contribution laid by sir syed to the cause of muslims? Do you agree? give reasons for your answer.
Sir Syed Ahmed khan had believed politically that Hindus and Muslims are one nation however he changed his political beliefs to two nation theory after the Hindi Urdu controversy. He asked Muslims not to participate in congress as its only aim was to secure Hindu domination over the Muslims. He was against the new democratic system which the congress was demanding at that time and British were trying to introduce in India as he believed it would have grave implications that the institution of majority (Hindus) would dominate them at every aspect. He was against the belief that appointment in government services should be by competitive examinations as Muslims were not getting education of an advanced character similar to that of Hindus. He urged British to give proper share in representation to the Muslims which were finally accepted in Morley Minto reforms so his political beliefs had a profound impact on Muslims. However his other contributions are also important such as education and reconciliation policy.
The most important contribution was in the field of education as it covers all of the aspects of his services. He opened scientific society and published Aligarh institute gazette to promote modern scientific developments among the Muslims. He also opened mohammadan educational conference in 1886 to solve the various political problems that affected Muslims at large. He also opened various schools such as Gulsion School at Moradabad and Queen Victoria school at ghazipur. He established mohammadan Anglo oriental college which laid down the crops of Muslim intelligentsia so it acted as the nursery of leaders who later helped in the Pakistan movement. He made every effort to make the syllabus of the institutions a great deal of western and Islamic culture. His educational reforms served double purpose. It helped to improve relations with the British and opened doors for the modern education.
Sir Syed also attempted to improve Anglo Muslim relations. The Muslims mistrusted the British as they thought that they had taken their rule from them and hated everything associated with the British. The British mainly considered the Muslims responsible for the war. He tried to remove this misunderstanding by addressing both the British and the Muslims. He wrote two influential pamphlets causes of Indian revolt and the loyal muhammadans of India and asked Muslims that Christians and Christianity could not be hated and Islam does not prohibit them from learning modern sciences and English language. He also found the British Indian association to improve relations

Therefore, it can be concluded that educational reforms were his most important contribution to the cause of Muslims as it helped to improve relations with the British and leads to the self enhancement and self improvement of Muslims and from that came the feeling of self worth. plz check it and give marks on this. thanks in advance.
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Was anything achievable in the round table conferences of 1930 to 1932?Explain your answer.
The Round table conferences were held in London. The purpose was to consider the report of Simon commission and to suggest such reforms which could satisfy all the political parties. There were three such conferences from 1930 to 1932 and all important leaders of different political parties were invited to attend the conference. On the whole, the conferences were not successful because the constitutional problem of India was not resolved.
The first RTC was held in November 1930 and was not attended by congress because they had put strong conditions for participating in the conference and was in jail on account of launching his civil disobedience movement. However it was agreed that federal form of government shall be adopted in India and responsible and representative government shall be set up in provinces. This was a great achievement as Nehru had suggested unitary form of government in Nehru report and a responsible and representative government shall be a great step forward towards self rule. The princes also agreed to join the future federation and several committees were formed to discuss different issues.
Lord Irwin was keen to invite Gandhi for the second round table conference so signed the Gandhi Irwin pact on 5 march 1931 according to which Gandhi agreed to attend the second round table conference and to stop his civil disobedience movement. The second round table conference was held from September 1931 to December 1931. Gandhi participated as the only representative of the congress and he refused to acknowledge the rights of minorities and declared them communalists and hangers on this hard line and Gandhi’s claim were not acceptable to Muslim league leaders so no issue of minorities could be reached. However the only success was that NWFP and sindh were to be made provinces with governors.
The third round table conference was started on 17 December 1932 and ended on 24 December 1932. Neither Gandhi attended nor Mr. Jinnah. The conference proved to be a mere formality. However the only success was that the communal award was presented according to which the Muslims were given weightage and the scheme of Pakistan was presented by Chaudhry Rehmat Ali.

The conferences were not successful because they failed to solve the constitution problem of India. Congress was not satisfied because the dominion status was not granted as was promised. Problem of minorities were not resolved which left the Muslims dissatisfied. Low caste Hindus also demanded separate electorate and proper representation. The new government was not in favor of giving concessions to India. By and large the conference failed to achieve anything of substance. But the conferences were successful in the sense that some important decisions were made such as federal form of government was accepted and responsible and representative government was agreed and the new provinces were created. These points later formed the basis of govt of India act 1935. kindly check this
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why the lucknow pact came about?
The Lucknow pact was signed to ironically drift away from the British and to join hands with congress as many of Muslims rights and demands were not fulfilled. The Kanpur mosque tragedy in which the Muslim mosque was demolished and the refusal to alleviate the Aligarh college to university status further enraged the Muslims
The annulment of the partition of Bengal had made Muslims realize that such blatant and backtracking by the British had put the question mark in Muslim minds about the credibility of future promises. The Balkan wars and the deplorable condition of Muslims in turkey had further compelled Muslims to drift away from the British
The emergence of liberal leadership in India such as Gokhale, spsenha, Jinnah, Gandhi who was keen to restore relations with congress and Muslims as they thought that Hindu Muslim problems are so deep rooted that some form of partition would be inevitable.
The First World War was going in the subcontinent and British needed Indian support while the Indians always saw “British weakness” as “Indian’s opportunity” so decided to put the joint venture of Hindu Muslim demands before the British to demand concessions from them.

It was the first pact in which the congress recognized Muslim league as Muslim bodies. please give marks on it. thanks in advance.
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why the British were successful in maintaining its control in the subcontinent between 1750 to 1850? (7)
The Mughal Empire had stagnated when the British influence grew in India. There was no uniting force in India. The Indian people considered British as their allies rather than their enemies. The feudal princes were determined to work on their past history and to brink the empire further into collapse rather than reinvigorating it so Indian weakness urged British to maintain its control in the sub continent.
furthermore,The British had modern military techniques and had modern means of communication. The British considered it their right if not their duty to spread their superior culture around the globe. The British believed that they would always succeed and part of this political belief that success always seemed inevitable.
The British occupied vast territories after the battle of plassey which proved to be the first military success for the British and the richest province of Bengal came under British control and in battle of buxar the British defeated the confederate’s army on 22 October 1764 which laid down the foundations of British political dominion in India.
The British had gained large administrative powers and had defeated the French in third carnatic war and thus became a centre of influence in India. The British had given judicial and educational status to India so the public did not rise against them which enabled them to maintain their control in the sub continent.
Therefore, due to this the British decide d to lay the foundations of a sure English dominion for all time to come.