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Inspirational people and stories

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As we go through life, we all meet and find people who are out of the ordinary- not because they have superpowers or alien help, but because of the great things they've done in life to overcome all the obstacles in their way.

Lets share some motivational stories and quotes to convince ourselves how strong we can be too in all walks of life. :)
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Here is one about someone diagnosed with cancer. This has influenced me SO much - ignoring the bad parts and his positivity is just... imitable. *_*

Things did workout

It was the end of 1999, and I was 12 years old, finishing up primary school, and getting ready to move into high school.
After spending a few days with stomach pains, and the doctor being unable to help, I ended up down in emergency in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep.

"This is where it gets blurry"

Everything was happening so fast and after taking blood for tests looking for appendicitis, they pulled mum aside and when she came back in crying, I knew it couldn’t be good. I’m not sure if it was minutes or hours, but I was eventually transferred to the children’s hospital.

It’s funny the things you do remember, because dad had met us at the hospital, and followed the ambulance I was in to the hospital. One of the clearest memories was while we were stopped at a set of lights, dad reached into the glove box and pulled out some lollies, I knew that they had been there for many months and were now rock hard, mum and I had a good laugh because he, did not.

Throughout the whole experience, I’m not sure if I was trying to do it, but I ended up shutting out most of the negative stuff that happened in the first few weeks, and now I focus on all the good, all be it small things that happened.

Like my first night, I was put in a room with another guy, about my age, and his father, and I know, talking to him helped mum, and me prepare for what was ahead.

"Life got hard over the next 6 months"

It was almost like I had become more mature than some of my friends, and talking to others who I had met in hospital, they felt the same thing.

"Being forced to grow up so early was one of the hardest things"

I have ever done, but I look back from where I am now, and I know that all those experiences made me who I am today, and that without them, I wouldn’t be me. Some people do find it weird when I talk about such a negative thing in such a positive light, but part of maturing early is what has made me do that.

Looking at everything I have learnt and gained kept me going during those hard days in the hospital or at home alone, and they are the things that keep me going to this day.
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SELF REFLECTION needs to be applauded *claps* Another cancer diagnosis :)

I believe everything happens for a reason. At the time, yeah, it totally sucked to be me. I hated the fact I couldn’t even walk around the ward nor do anything by myself except sleep (which for me was easy). I couldn’t even shower myself. Also the hospital food was rubbish and you know I'm not lying when I say that.

My friends always tell me I have become a better person after having cancer. Being sick helped me realise what was really important to me. Assignments, exams and little fights with friends don’t seem so important now. When you spend all day in a hospital bed you have time to think about who you really are. I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, learned to appreciate others more and to see the best in people.
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Yup I do :D He's awesome and they aren't motivational, but they sure uplift the mood ^_^