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It's another short (real) story...

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A day in the life of a cleanerDear Diary,Yet again! I’m back from another hectic day at work. Diary why does this happen, that everybody cares about their ‘royal friends and relatives’ while people like me are always low-priority?!I have worked at McMillan Industries ltd. For 3thirty five years now, I am still their most hard-working and responsible worker till now. I have achieved employee of the month thrice now. I have never done anything to harm the company, though I had a couple of chances. But, like they say you can’t fight fire with fire! People order me to do this to do that but can’t they, for the sake of it ask me kindly, pleasantly? “Ronald clean that spill over there” “Ronald what do you think you are doing, didn’t I tell you to clean the bathrooms?” For once, can’t they be friendly to me, don’t I deserve respect? Diary, why is everybody so discriminative, so divided into classes. Why can’t they think of everybody as an equal? You know what difference a smile would make towards anybody? A ‘Thank you’ or have people forgot the word? And, just today, I saw Mark smile toward Alicia, and now they are going out together. But, I have never got a smile, never. Is it because I have a strange odour, I have tried deodorant but that stuff itself is useless, or just because I am the janitor, the cleaner?Don’t I have feelings, don’t I have a heart, and don’t I have a life? I clean up after these people and they stare at me as though I am from ‘outer-space’! For once, I would love to hear any one say, “Thank you Ronald, I really appreciate what you do here!” Or is it just too hard.I wake up probably the earliest of them all, at around six-thirty everyday, I get ready and leave for work at seven fifteen promptly, I have to catch the local bus into town at seven twenty-five or else I would have to hail a cab or walk the eight miles. I have to check-in at eight, precisely or my salary is cut, and it has been. Whilst others come around freely by nine!I work round the clock with just one break which is of only fifteen minutes. All day I have to sweep the floor with first, a broom to clean the ‘dirt’. Then, I have to mop the same floor till it ‘sparkles’. It is not just one floor, the building is six stories high and I am in charge of three of them, yes, I have to sweep and mop these three floors! And not only that, I have to clean the windows and maintain the toilets and check on them every hour; talk about a hectic day! I also have to vacuum the other employees’ work spaces every alternative day and the managers’ every day! I have to take out the trash too.I don’t even get an hour of rest the whole day and I have to work six days a week; full time. What rest can a man get in fifteen minutes, when he has to eat and drink in that time as well? As soon as the boss see’s me trying to sit down peacefully for a while, he starts threatening me. I am sick and tired of this. Diary, I am through here!Yours Friendly,Khan Zaid :) :DLadies and Gentlemen, this story is not exactly true, it's just a story that I had written in one of my English assignments and thought that it could just be the story of a REAL CLEANER and how they feel, SO, To all the to-be Bosses please give everybody in ur Office the same rank, im not talkin about Salary, but im talking about RESPECT, PLEASE!Give RESPECT Get RESPECT! And ofcourse, thy comments will be appreciated! :D

Good job there (y) You lay down his routine in a manner that is interesting to read and does not get boring.The feelings though, i'd say seem kinda strange for an old man. Maybe it's just my opinion, but for an old battered person like him, these feelings are usually all but gone. Maybe if it were a young new cleaner, he would have feelings like this...Still, that's just my opinion

.Overall, you catch the whole scene of how the lower class is treated in a great way. The chatty tone keeps it quite interesting .Good writing :)

Coming to the story now, well its a bitter truth that the lower class is ill treated in most countries. The labourer works all day under the sun, and as if the low income was not enough, the last shred of dignity is taken away from him. May Allah guide us all

p.s. if you wanna, post it in that thread too
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Good job there (y) You lay down his routine in a manner that is interesting to read and does not get boring.The feelings though, i'd say seem kinda strange for an old man. Maybe it's just my opinion, but for an old battered person like him, these feelings are usually all but gone. Maybe if it were a young new cleaner, he would have feelings like this...Still, that's just my opinion

.Overall, you catch the whole scene of how the lower class is treated in a great way. The chatty tone keeps it quite interesting .Good writing :)

Coming to the story now, well its a bitter truth that the lower class is ill treated in most countries. The labourer works all day under the sun, and as if the low income was not enough, the last shred of dignity is taken away from him. May Allah guide us all

p.s. if you wanna, post it in that thread too
thanks for this honest opinion! and.. I agree!! yeah, the part about the old guys feelings could just be true!! yeah! Thanks!! :D (y) :)