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its none of my business ~ but..


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i believe theres more into your religion than what to wear, niqab , pluckin eyebrows or growin a beard ..
why not talk more bout what Islam treasures ..
i dono ide love (dont use that much ) to read about how did prophets act , n yes i hate reading , but seriously ..
n how you guys live upon it ..
how do you start your day ? end it ?
what are the best things in Islam ..
whats characters makes a good muslim ?
tho i live in KSA now ive never seen a perfect examle of a muslim ~ i guess its just like a name they carry ..

Its Just Curiosity ~

I agree with u... ppl jst discuss a lot about side issues and less about basics of islam..

How did Prophet S.A.W act.. well he was awesome... I like this incident his wife A’ishah narrated... Once she went with him on a journey and on the way back, as they approached Madinah, the Prophet said to the people, “Continue on and leave us behind for a while.” The people carried on, leaving them behind, and so the Prophet was left with ‘A’ishah. At the time, ‘A’ishah was a young and energetic girl. The Prophet turned to her and said, “Come, let’s race!” She therefore raced him, and ‘A’ishah won.
After some time, she went out again with the Prophet on another journey. By now she had grown and put on weight. The
Prophet said to the people, “Carry on...” and they did. He then said to ‘A’ishah, “Come, let’s race!” They raced, and this time, the Prophet won. The Prophet then started to joke about it as he patted her on her back, saying, “That was for last time when you defeated me! That was for last time when you defeated me!”

And I love it how ppl were so casual with him in asking things... and how he'd deal with them...
A young man once came to our Prophet (S.A.W) and said: “O, Messenger of Allah give me a permission to commit fornication.”
The Companions were angry with the way that young man who dared to ask such a thing from the Prophet (S.A.W), but the Prophet (S.A.W) did not grow angry and immediately asked him: “Would you like a man to fornicate with your mother?”
The young man replied: “No.”
The Prophet (S.A.W) said: “Hence other people do not like it for their mothers. Would you like it for your daughter?”
The man said: “No.”
The Prophet (S.A.W) said: “Hence people do not like it for their daughters....” [Musnad Ahmad]

I'll share more later, insha'Allah (whn u hav read this much :p ) and also about other prophets....


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DANGERBP I almost forgot that u must have read the post above so here's more:

On the authority of Abu Shurayah al-Khuza’aee who said, “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) came out to us and said, ‘Receive glad tidings, receive glad tidings; do you not testify that there is none worthy of worship in truth except Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah?’ They said: ‘Yes.’ He (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, ‘This Quran is a rope, one end is in the Hand of Allah and one end is in your hands, so hold on to it. Verily you will never be misguided or destroyed after it’.”

(Sh Albaani's Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah)

Narrated Al-Aswad: That he asked 'Aisha (May Allaah be pleased with her):
"What did the Prophet use to do in his house?" She replied, "He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to keep himself busy serving his family and when it was the time for prayer he would go for it."
(Saheeh Al Bukhari)

Narrated Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (R.A): I asked Allah's Apostle (S.A.W) to teach me an invocation so that I may invoke Allah with it in my prayer.
He told me to say, "(O Allah! I have done great injustice to myself and none except You forgives sins, so please forgive me and be Merciful to me as You are the Forgiver, the Merciful)."
(Saheeh Al Bukhari)