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~~jokes?? in here?? really??

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A man was looking to buy a certain horse. The seller told the man that this horse is unique. In order to make it walk, you must say SubhanAllah. To make it run, you have to say Alhamdulillah and to make it stop, you have to say "La ilaha ilAllah". Taking it for a test run, the man sat on the horse and said SubhanAllah. The horse started to walk. Then he said Alhamdulillah and it started to run. He kept saying Alhamdulillah and the horse started running faster and faster. All of a sudden the man noticed that the horse is running towards the edge of the hill that he was riding on. Being overly fearful, he forgot how to stop the horse. He kept saying all these words out of confusion. When the horse was just near the edge, he thought he was going to die, and closing his eyes, he said "La ilaha ilAllah!". Then the horse stopped just one step away from the edge. The man took a deep breath, looked up towards the sky and said "Alhamdulillah!