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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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that means the answer i sent u would be sufficient to get me to L4 tomorw ? if you encourage me to do the question on Umar, i will but if u now clearly say not to do it, i will not. Tell me ur final decision
if u got two questions... one from articles n one from pillars than i suggest do them..solid marks if you don't have any option than its ur decision......ok
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ya Arabic mein to aata hai English mein koon likhe

Yaar bas qoh arabic words ko engliah mai change karoo.
Ex: Allahu Akbar
subhaana rabi alalaa
and just say like... after reciting aurah fatehah we should rexite any other surah from the Quran.. then say "Allahu Akbar" and go inn ruku.. in ruku we say " aubhaana rabbi alazeem" 3 times...

ithink what i said is correct ¿¿ o_O xD
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I knw all dat bt that indviual like ihran , talbiya
I do knw sme afer performng hajj bt not in detail
Question: Give a brief explanation of the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices in relation to the Hajj:
a) The Kaabah
b) Ahram
c) Arafat
d) And Eid ul-Azha
Answer: The Kaabah:
The original foundations of the Holy Kaabah were laid by the angels who were the first one to construct it. It was later rebuild for the second time by Hazrat Adam (A.S) to whom the angels pointed out the exact location for the rebuilding of the sacred house. The third time it was reconstructed by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Hazrat Ismail (A.S) from the place which was known as Maqam e-Ibrahim. The Holy Kaabah stand in the centre of the Holy city Makkah (Bakkah), it is 45 feet high, 33 feet wide and 59 feet long. The Kaabah was the first house of worship as the Holy Quran says: “The first house of worship appointed for man was that at Bakkah (Makkah) full of blessings and guidance for all” (3:96)
It is also called Bait Ullah and Bait Ul-Atique. It was reconstructed and restored by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) at the age of 35 before becoming Prophet. The Holy Kaabah is the focal point for all the Muslims from all parts of the world to perform the Salah in the direction of the Holy Kaabah. During the Hajj the Muslim begins with the
‘Tawaf-e-Qudoom’ that is seven rounds around Holy Kaabah. During this circumnutating the Muslims kiss the black stone known as Hajr-e-Aswad as they passed it following Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) example. If the Tawaf is performed with true devotion to Allah (S.W.T) the most high it infuses in man a deep since of humility and inclemency him to render obedience to its creator. As Allah (S.W.T) the most high commands man to circumnutates the Holy Kaabah in chapter number. 22 verse number. 29: “Then let them complete the prescribed duties (Manâsik of Hajj) for them, and perform their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House (the Kaabah at Makkah).”
b) Ihram:
Ihram is a state of purity and it refers to two sheets of unstitched white clothes while for women, Ihram is their ordinary clothes which covers the entire body with exception of their hands, feets and face. There are 3 types of Ihram known as Ifrad (only for the sake of Hajj), second is Tamattu bil-Umrah (Ihram for Umrah) and the third is Qiraan (for both Umrah and Hajj together). A pilgrim puts on Ihram before he crosses the miqat (those locations from where it becomes wajib to wear Ihram and which cannot be crossed to proceed for hajj or umrah without putting it on first). Once a pilgrim puts on Ihram, he is under the compulsion to abstain from trimming nails, putting on perfume, hunting as well as other immoral acts. Ihram is an expression of one’s intention to perform hajj or umrah. In the state of Ihram, Muslims have to refrain from certain acts which include indecent and immoral practices which often make up a regular feature of many people’s daily lives. Strict observance of such a moral code helps to train believers for leading an ideal life of true Muslims. Muslims in state of Ihram exhibt equality which helps to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood.
c) Arafat:
On the 9th Zill hajj pilgrims go to Arafat which is a barren valley at a distance of 9 miles from Makkah. In this barren valley the pilgrims performs the Wuquf-e- Arfat standing between noon and dusk; this is to obtain Allah (S.W.T)'s forgiveness. Our beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said: "Hajj is halting at Arafat." (Sunan Tirmizi)
The pilgrims spend the day in 'Talbiyah', 'Tahleel, Astaghfar. The pilgrims offer Salat-e- Zuhr and Asr (Jamma) and reciting other supplications. This is the place where Hazrat Adam (A.S) and Hazrat Hawa were rejoined /reunited after being expelled from the gardens of the Jannah, and this mount where they both met is at a side of Arafat known as the mount of Mercy (Jabal-e-Noor).
In one of the Hadis of our Beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W): " When the day of Arafat comes, Allah (S.W.T) descent to the lowest heaven and praise them to the angels, by saying ' look at My servants who come to me in dis-heeled, dirty and crying from every deep valley, I call you to witness that I have forgiven them" (Sahih Bukhari)
This is also the place is the very place where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) delivered his (S.A.W) last sermon.
d) Eid ul-Azha
Eid ul-Azha is the festival of Muslims which is celebrated all over the world. This is also known as the festival of sacrifice and the sacrificial feast. Eid ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th day of Hajj in the remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)’s redness to sacrifice his own son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) for the sake of Allah (S.W.T) as Allah (S.W.T) instructed Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) to make sacrifice of his son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) to show obedience to Allah (S.W.T) and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) did what Allah (S.W.T) asked for after which Allah (S.W.T) Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) as Khalilullah (His (S.W.T)’s friend).
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Yaar bas qoh arabic words ko engliah mai change karoo.
Ex: Allahu Akbar
subhaana rabi alalaa
and just say like... after reciting aurah fatehah we should rexite any other surah from the Quran.. then say "Allahu Akbar" and go inn ruku.. in ruku we say " aubhaana rabbi alazeem" 3 times...

ithink what i said is correct ¿¿ o_O xD
etna to yaad hai bt qiyaam mein beth kar go padhna hai
chalo chodo aaya to chod don ge
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etna to yaad hai bt qiyaam mein beth kar go padhna hai
chalo chodo aaya to chod don ge
Q: How Muslims perform the two rakats prayer? [10]
Answer: Prayer is the first, the highest, the most important phenomena and manifestation of Islam. It is soul of Islam. Hence, it should be observed completely and perfectly, inform as well as in content.Salah is not valid unless the following primary principal and indispensible essentials are fulfilled. A prayer consists of either two, three or four rakats. A two rakats prayer is performed in the following way:
Intention: Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) has said: “Actions are but by intentions.” (Sahih Bukhari and Shih Muslim) You have to intend and determine by heart which prayers you are going to offer. A person should stand erect facing the direction of Kaabah Tullah towards the Holy city of Makkah with the hands straight on his sides, after which he makes the intention (Niyat) for prayer.
Takbir-e-Tahrima: The person raises his both hands as far as ears, the female raises up to the shoulder and says ‘Allah hu-Akbar’ (meaning Allah is the greatest) in the second essential of Salah.
Qayam: We are requested to observe obligatory Salah in the standing posture unless we are sick or incapacitated. Then he brings both his hands down and folds them below the navel with right hand over left hand. Females fold their hands on their breast and then began the recitation of Sana.
Sanah: “Glory to you O Allah (SWT) and all praise is Yours and bless is Your name and exalted is Your Majesty and there is no worthy of worship except You.” After Sana he or she recites ‘Tawuz’.
Tawuz: “I seek refuge with Allah from the curse of Satan” After Tawuz he or she recites Tasmiyah.
Tasmiyah: “In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful” After Tasmiyah he or she recites ‘Al Fatihah’.
Al-Fatihah: Many sound Hadis conform that the recitation of Al-Fatihah the opening chapter of Al-Quran in every rakat of all prayers is obligatory.
Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) said “A prayer performed by someone who has not recited the essence of the Holy Quran (Al-Fatihah). During it is deficient (and he (S.A.W) repeated the word three times)” (Imam Muslim quoted from 40 Hadis Qudsi). In the Holy Quran it is written in Surah Al-Fatihah “Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world. Most Gracious most Mercifu Master of the Day of Judgment. You do we worship and Your aid we seek………” (1:1-7) after the last word of Surah Fatihah he or she says ‘Ameen’. Immediately after he recites minimum three verses of the Holy Quran who stop after the Kirat he or she says ‘Takbir’.
Takbir: ‘Allah hu-Akbar’ (Allah is the Greatest) than he or she pose for ‘Ruku’.
Ruku: In Ruku he or she pose down holding his or her knees and says the Tasbeeh.
Tasbeeh: ‘Subha na Rabbi al-Azeem’ (Glory to my Lord the Greatest) at least three times. Then he or she raises his or her head or Qoamah: he or she erect and recites the Tasmiyah.
Tasmiyah: “Allah listens to him who gives prays”. Then he or she says ‘Tahmeed’.
Tahmeed: (O Lord! All prayers is due to You alone). After this he or she says Takbir.
Takbir: Allah hu-Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). After Takbir he or she goes for Sajdah.
Sajdah: He and she then performs the act of prostration which is he or she both places his or her knees on the ground first then nose then forehead. The face should be between both the palms. The men should not place their elbows on the ground while the females are allowed to place their elbow on the ground and they should perform the Sajdah in such a way that they should do not raise the portion of their body, which they keep resting on their calves. While performing the Sajdah the Tasbeeh Sajdah is recited.
Tasbeeh Sajdah: ‘Subha na Rabbi al-Allah’ (Glory to my Lord the most High) at least three times. After this he raises his head and say Takbir. Our beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said “I have been ordered to prostrate on seven body parts: the forehead and he pointed to his nose, the hands, the knees and the end of the feet.” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
Jalsa: The man sit on his left foot which is folded and keeps the right foot erect on the ground, both his hands should be on his thighs close to the knees, than again he says Takbir.
Second Sajdah: A second Sajdah is performed in the similar manner to the first one.
The second rakat is performed, in the similar manner to the first one, except the Sana and Tawuz are not repeated. After the second rakat is completed the person sits for Qaida and recites the Tahiya and Tashaud. After Tashaud the person recites Durood then he recites the supplication, then he ends the Salah with the Salam first towards the right and then towards the left.